Sqoop Integration with Hadoop Ecosystem

Data was previously stored in relational data management systems when Hadoop and big data concepts were not available. After introducing Big Data concepts, it was essential to store the data more concisely and efficiently. However all data stored in the related data management system needs to be transferred to the Hadoop archive.

With Sqoop, we can transfer this amount of personal data. Sqoop transfers data from a related database management system to a Hadoop server. Thus, it facilitates the transfer of large volumes of data from one source to another. Here are the basic features of Sqoop −

  • Sqoop also helps us connect the result from SQL Queries into the distributed Hadoop file system.

  • Sqoop allows us to load processed data directly into the nest or Hbase.

  • It works with data security with the help of Kerberos.

  • With the help of Sqoop, we can compress the processed data.

  • Sqoop is powerful and naturally active.

Explanation of Sqoop Working

The activities that take place in Sqoop are usually easy to use. Sqoop use the command-line interface to process user commands. Sqoop can also use Java APIs to communicate with a user. When it receives a command by a user, it is managed by Sqoop and further processed. Sqoop will only import and export data based on user commands that can allow data integration.

Sqoop is a tool that works in the following way, first separating a user's argument into a command-line interface and then submitting those arguments to the additional section where arguments are open to Map activity only. When a map finds an argument, it gives us a command to issue multiple maps, depending on the number specified by the user as a conflict in the command line visible connector.

If these functions are for the Import command, each map function is provided with a specific piece of data to enter a user-defined key in the command-line interface. Sqoop uses the same processing method to maximize process efficiency, where data is distributed evenly across all mappers. After this, each map creates an individual link to the site using a link to the java website and downloads each piece of data provided to Sqoop.

Once the data has been downloaded, the data is written in HDFS or Hbase, or Hive based on the argument given in the command line. Thus, the Sqoop import operation is completed. Exporting data to Sqoop is done in the same way. The Sqoop export tool performs the function by allowing files from the distributed Hadoop system back to the Related Website management system.

Records are files provided as input during the import process. The user submits his work and is drawn to the Map Task importing data files from the Hadoop database, and these data files are sent to any organized data. The destination is compatible with MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, etc. There are two major projects underway in Sqoop −


The Sqoop import command helps execute the function. With the help of the import command, we can import the table from the related website management system to the Hadoop data server. Hadoop format records are stored in text files, and each record is imported as a separate record from the Hadoop data server.

We can also create uploads and splits on Hive while importing data. Sqoop also supports incremental data import, so if we import a website and want to add more lines, then with the help of these functions, we can only add new lines to an existing website, not a complete website.


Sqoop export command assists in the implementation. We can transfer data from the Hadoop database file system to the related information management system with this export command. The data to be sent is processed into records before the task is completed. Data transfer is done in two steps: first, to check the metadata site and the second step involves data transfer.

Advantages of Sqoop

Following are the advantages of Sqoop −

  • With the help of Sqoop, we can perform data transfer tasks through various scheduled data stores, such as Teradata, Oracle, etc.

  • Sqoop helps to perform ETL tasks much faster and less expensive.

  • With the help of Sqoop, we can perform the same data processing that leads to the strengthening of the entire process.

  • Sqoop uses the MapReduce method in its operations, supporting error tolerance.

Disadvantages of Sqoop

Following are the disadvantages of Sqoop −

  • Failure to occur during implementation requires a unique solution to handle the problem.

  • Sqoop uses the JDBC connection to establish a connection to the website management system, which is inefficient.

  • Sqoop export performance depends on the hardware configuration of the related website management system.


So it was the brief information on the Sqoop integration with the Hadoop Ecosystem. If you want to learn more about big data technology, make sure you visit our official website to know more.

Updated on: 25-Aug-2022


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