Running the entire 8085 program in a single operation

In a single operation, we can run the entire program of 8085. We run the entire program in this mode so that we can get the accurate results. If the process is unsuccessful a single-stepping by the entire program is attempted.

We type ‘G’ at the prompt ‘>’. By noticing the absence of change of address <cr> after G. The prompting of the system are as follows:

The address of starting is: xxxx - yy/

where the memory address is xxxx and the content of the memory location is yy. Which allows the user for responding with the desired address of starting. If we execute our program from the location xxxx, we simply respond with the change of address <cr>. Suppose our program is from the location C000H then we respond with ‘C000 <cr>’.

After that we execute the program in a fraction of a second, and as a result 0014 gets displayed on the terminal. Here in the case, 0014H which is 20 and this decimal is the net result of multiplication of 04H at the C100H, and 05H at C200H.

If we end our program with a HLT instruction, here it appears as the system do not respond to any commands elsewhere, which is done after the display of 0014 as 8085 executes the HLT instructions and hence 8085 microprocessor enters to the halt state thereafter communication with the PC can be no longer done by the. So we have to press the Reset’ button on the 8085 processor kit, and thereafter again press the keys ‘E’ and ‘0’ on the kit. As a result, the ‘>’ prompt reappears again, and the final commands can be issued from the keyboard of the Personal Computer.

We can end our programs on the ALS-SDA-85 kit with the instruction ‘RST 1’ in place of the ‘HLT’ instruction. Although UPDAD and UPDDT monitor routines are used, instruction RST1 instruction desires to be end, when commands of the program get issued in the serial mode. Thereafter the RST1 instructions are executed. Which results in the transfers of control getting transferred to the program of the Monitor in the EPROM of the desired kit. Moreover, the point to be noted that in keyboard mode we should end the program with the instruction HLT, if UPDAD is being used or the routines are monitored by UPDDT.

In the following table different available options and its functionalities are depicted.

X8085 MULT-T
Displays listing on terminal. It pauses
when error is encountered
Continues when <cr> is pressed
X8085 MULT-P
Prints listing using printer
X8085 MULT-D
Generates .LST file on disk
Displays only error listing on terminal
Prints only error listing using printer
Generates .LST file containing errors only

Updated on: 30-Jul-2019


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