Run a Qt app in a different language

Qt is a cross-platform application framework that is widely used for developing applications with graphical user interfaces. It is written in C++ and supports a range of programming languages, including Python, Ruby, and Java. One of most useful features of Qt is its support for internationalization, which allows developers to create applications that can be easily localized for different languages and cultures. In this article, we will discuss how to run a Qt app in a different language.

Introduction to Internationalization

Internationalization, also known as i18n, is process of designing and developing applications that can be easily localized for different languages and cultures. It involves separating text and user interface elements from application code so that they can be translated and adapted for different languages and regions.

In Qt, internationalization is achieved through use of Qt Linguist tool, which provides a comprehensive set of tools for translating and localizing applications. With Qt Linguist, developers can create a translation file (.ts) that contains all text and user interface elements in application, which can then be translated into different languages.

Running a Qt App in a Different Language

To run a Qt app in a different language, there are two main steps −

Generate translation file

The first step is to generate translation file for language that you want to run app in. This is done using Qt Linguist tool, which is available as part of Qt toolkit.

To generate translation file, you need to perform following steps −

  • Open Qt Linguist tool and create a new translation file (.ts) for language you want to support.

  • Load .ts file into Qt Linguist tool and translate all text and user interface elements in application.

  • Save .ts file and compile it into a binary file (.qm) using lrelease tool, which is also part of Qt toolkit.

Load translation file in app

The second step is to load translation file in Qt app so that it runs in language specified in translation file. This is done using QTranslator class, which is part of Qt toolkit.

To load translation file in app, you need to perform following steps −

  • Create an instance of QTranslator class.

  • Load binary translation file (.qm) into QTranslator object.

  • Install QTranslator object in QApplication object using QApplication::installTranslator() function.


Here is an example of how to load a translation file in a Qt app −

#include <QApplication> 
#include <QTranslator>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { 
   QApplication app(argc, argv);
   QTranslator translator;

   // your app code goes here...

   return app.exec();

In this example, we create a QTranslator object and load "myapp_fr.qm" binary translation file into it. We then install translator in QApplication object using QApplication::installTranslator() function. This will cause all text and user interface elements in app to be displayed in French, which is language specified in translation file.

Other Tips for Internationalization

Here are a few other tips for internationalization in Qt −

  • Use Qt's built-in functions and classes for formatting and displaying numbers, dates, and times. This ensures that your app is consistent across different languages and cultures.

  • Avoid hard-coding text and user interface elements in your code. Instead, use tr() function to mark text for translation. This ensures that text is easily translatable and can be easily updated in translation file.

  • Use Unicode for all text in your application. This ensures that your app can handle any character set and is easily translatable.

  • Use context strings in your translation file to provide additional context for translators. This helps ensure that translated text is accurate and appropriate for context in which it is used.

  • Test your app with different language and region settings to ensure that it works correctly in all scenarios.


Running a Qt app in a different language is a simple process that involves generating a translation file and loading it in app using QTranslator class. By supporting internationalization, developers can create applications that can be easily localized for different languages and cultures, making them accessible to a wider audience. With Qt, internationalization is made easy through use of Qt Linguist tool and QTranslator class, which provide a comprehensive set of tools for translating and localizing applications.

Updated on: 14-Mar-2023


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