Role of the Cabinet and Kitchen Cabinet in the Indian Government: A Comprehensive Guide


We all have heard of cabinet with relate to the the government of India and Indian Parliamentary system. Although, Kitchen Cabinet is not that followed term with Indian Parliamentary system but used many times. We have heard of that power of Indian government resides in their cabinet.

But this is not Cabinet all about. Cabinet is vast and gigantic to be understood. That is why in this article, we have simplified the concept and understanding of Cabinet with respect to Indian Parliamentary system. Please be with us till the end of this article, for gaining all the related information about the same.

So, let's start-

What is Cabinet?

In the Indian Parliament, the term "cabinet" refers to a group of senior government ministers who are responsible for decision-making and advising the Prime Minister. The cabinet is the top executive body of the government and is composed of the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister (if any) and other ministers who are appointed by the President of India on the advice of the Prime Minister.

The Cabinet is responsible for setting and implementing policies, overseeing government departments, and advising the President on the exercise of his or her constitutional powers. The cabinet meets regularly to discuss and make decisions on a range of issues, including national security, economic policy, and social programs.

What is Kitchen Cabinet?

In the context of the Indian Parliament, the term "Kitchen Cabinet" is not an official term or concept. It is a political term that is sometimes used to refer to a group of informal advisors who are close to a political leader, such as the Prime Minister, and who are believed to have a significant influence on the leader's decision-making process.

The term "Kitchen Cabinet" is not recognized or defined in the Indian Constitution or any laws governing the functioning of the Parliament or the Executive branch. However, it is not uncommon for political leaders to have a group of advisors who they trust and who are not part of their official cabinet or other governmental bodies. These advisors may have varying degrees of influence and may be involved in the policymaking process in an unofficial capacity.

Role of the Cabinet in the Indian Government

The Cabinet in the Indian Government plays a vital role in decision-making, policy formulation, and governance. Here are 15 key roles and responsibilities of the Cabinet:

Advising the President

The Cabinet advises the President on various matters, including the exercise of his or her constitutional powers.

Policy Formulation

The Cabinet formulates policies and sets the agenda for the government.

Legislative Agenda

The Cabinet decides the government's legislative agenda and guides the preparation of bills.

Approving Legislation

The Cabinet approves bills before they are presented in the Parliament.

Budgetary Decisions

The Cabinet approves the annual budget and monitors its implementation.

National Security

The Cabinet is responsible for national security and defense.

Foreign Policy

The Cabinet formulates and implements the country's foreign policy.

Economic Development

The Cabinet formulates policies for economic development and monitors their implementation.

Social Welfare

The Cabinet oversees social welfare programs, such as healthcare and education.

Infrastructure Development

The Cabinet formulates policies for infrastructure development, such as roads, railways, and ports.


The Cabinet makes key appointments to government positions.

Administrative Reforms

The Cabinet initiates administrative reforms to improve governance.

Crisis Management

The Cabinet is responsible for crisis management, such as natural disasters and public emergencies.

Inter-Ministerial Coordination

The Cabinet coordinates the work of different ministries to ensure coherence and efficiency.

Public Relations

The Cabinet communicates the government's policies and decisions to the public through various media channels.

Role of the Kitchen Cabinet in the Indian Government

As we mentioned before, the concept of a "Kitchen Cabinet" is not an official term or concept in the Indian Government. However, informal groups of advisors may exist who are close to a political leader and who provide advice and guidance on a range of issues.

If such a group of advisors exists, their role would be to provide counsel and feedback to the political leader, assist in the formulation of policies and strategies, and help the leader navigate political and bureaucratic hurdles. They may also serve as a sounding board for the leader, helping them to refine their ideas and positions.


Q1. Who is a part of the Cabinet in the Indian Parliament?

Ans: The Cabinet is composed of the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister (if any), and other ministers who are appointed by the President of India on the advice of the Prime Minister.

Q2. What are the roles and responsibilities of the Cabinet in the Indian Parliament?

Ans: The Cabinet plays a vital role in decision-making, policy formulation, and governance. Its roles and responsibilities include advising the President, formulating policies, setting the legislative agenda, approving legislation, monitoring the implementation of the annual budget, and overseeing national security and defense, among others.

Q3. How are Cabinet decisions taken in the Indian Parliament?

Ans: Cabinet decisions are taken by consensus or majority vote, with the Prime Minister having the final say in case of a tie.

Q4. Can the Cabinet be reshuffled or expanded in the Indian Parliament?

Ans: Yes, the Cabinet can be reshuffled or expanded by the Prime Minister at any time during their term in office, subject to the approval of the President of India.

Q5. Is the Cabinet accountable to the Parliament in the Indian Parliament?

Ans: Yes, the Cabinet is accountable to the Parliament and its members can be called to answer questions and provide information on their respective portfolios.

Updated on: 05-May-2023


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