Range duplication in Python String

Python provides a wide extent of string control capabilities, making it a flexible dialect for dealing with printed information. In this article, we are going to discuss the concept of extending duplication in Python strings. Extend duplication includes copying a specific run of characters inside a string, thereby creating a modified version of the initial string. We are going investigate three diverse approaches to attain run duplication, talking about their calculations, step-by-step execution, and giving sentence structure illustrations. So, let's get begun!

Advantages of Range duplication in Python String

  • Modification of Substrings − Run duplication permits you to alter particular substrings inside a string whereas keeping the rest of the string intaglio. Usually valuable once you need to alter or rehash a specific parcel of a string without influencing other parts.

  • Flexibility in Textual Manipulation − With extended duplication, you'll be able effortlessly to control and change content by copying particular ranges. This adaptability empowers you to form varieties of a string based on your prerequisites, such as generating repeated designs or adjusting particular sections.

  • Productive String Era − Extend duplication gives a proficient way to create altered strings. Rather than physically emphasizing characters and concatenating them, copying a range using built-in string operations or standard expressions can result in brief and proficient code.

  • Rehashed Designs and Organizing − Extending duplication is especially valuable once you ought to rehash designs inside a string. It permits you to effortlessly make dreary structures or apply organizing rules to certain parts of the string, making it an important instrument for errands such as creating reports, organizing information, or making layouts.

  • Disentangled String Operations − By copying a run, you'll rearrange complex string operations. Rather than performing different operations or utilizing loops, you'll accomplish the required result by copying the run in a single step. This may lead to cleaner code and progressed lucidness

Approach 1: Using String Slicing and Concatenation

One direct way to copy a extend inside a string is by utilizing string cutting and concatenation. The calculation for this approach includes extricating the required to extend from the first string and concatenating it with itself. Here are the steps to execute this approach −


  • Step 1 − Characterize the input string.

  • Step 2 − Indicate the beginning and finishing records of the range to be copied.

  • Step 3 − Extricate the range using string slicing.

  • Step 4 − Concatenate the range with itself.

  • Step 5 − Generate the altered string by combining the copied extend with the remaining parts of the first string.

  • Step 6 − Print the adjusted string as the yield.


# Creation of the input string
input_string = "Hello, world!"

#Assign the starting and end index
start_index = 7
end_index = 12

range_to_duplicate = input_string[start_index:end_index]

duplicated_range = range_to_duplicate + range_to_duplicate

# Step 5: Generate the modified string
modified_string = input_string[:start_index] + duplicated_range + input_string[end_index:]

# Step 6: Print the modified string


 Hello, worldworld!

Approach 2: Utilizing Regular Expressions

Another approach to realize extended duplication in Python strings includes utilizing customary expressions. This approach gives adaptability and design coordinating capabilities.


  • Step 1 − Import the required module.

  • Step 2 − Characterize the input string.

  • Step 3 − Indicate the beginning and finishing records of the run to be copied.

  • Step 4 − Utilize a standard expression design to coordinate the run inside the input string.

  • Step 5 − Utilize the re.sub() work to replace the matched string.

  • Step 6 − Print the adjusted string as the yield.


import re

input_string = "Hello, world!"
#Specify the starting and ending index to be used for string
start_index = 7
end_index = 12

# Use a regular expression pattern to match the range
pattern = input_string[start_index:end_index]
regex = re.compile(re.escape(pattern))

# Use the re.sub() function to replace the matched range
modified_string = regex.sub(pattern + pattern, input_string)

# Print the modified string


Hello, worldworld!

Approach 3: Leveraging List Comprehension and Joining

The third approach utilizes list comprehension and the connect() work to copy a extend inside a string. This approach permits brief code and proficient handling. The calculation for this approach is as takes after −


  • Step 1 − Characterize the input string.

  • Step 2 − Indicate the beginning and finishing lists of the extent to be copied.

  • Step 3 − Part the input string into a list of characters.

  • Step 4 − Utilize list comprehension to copy the extend by adding it to itself.

  • Step 5 − Connect the altered list of characters back into a string.

  • Step 6 − Print the altered string as the yield.


# Define the input string
input_string = "Hello, world!"

# Specify the range to be duplicated
start_index = 7
end_index = 12

# Split the input string into a list of characters
characters = list(input_string)

#  Use list comprehension to duplicate the range
duplicated_range = [characters[i] for i in range(start_index, end_index)] * 2

# Join the modified list of characters back into a string
modified_string = ''.join(characters[:start_index] + duplicated_range + characters[end_index:])

# Print the modified string


Hello, worldworld!


In this article, we investigated three distinctive approaches to copying an extension inside a Python string. We examined the calculations, step-by-step execution, and given language structure cases for each approach. The primary approach utilized string cutting and concatenation, the moment approach utilized normal expressions, and the third approach utilized list comprehension and joining. Each approach has its claim preferences, and the choice depends on the particular prerequisites of your program. By understanding these approaches, you'll productively control and adjust strings in Python to suit your needs.

Updated on: 29-Aug-2023


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