Python - Merge Range Characters in List


Python is a powerful programming dialect known for its straightforwardness and flexibility. One common errand in Python is consolidating extended characters inside a list. This includes combining sequential characters into a single−run representation. For occurrence, [1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10] would be changed into [1−3, 6−8, 10]. To attain this, we will emphasize the list, comparing each component with the past one. On the off chance that the contrast doesn’t rise to one, we append the current run to an unused list. At last, we connect the ranges and return the combined result. This approach streamlines and condenses the first list, making it more lucid and productive.

Python − Merge Range Characters in List

  • Simplified Information Representation: Consolidating run characters in a list rearranges the representation of information. Rather than having personal sequential components, the blended ranges give a brief and clearer representation. This may be especially valuable when managing expansive records or datasets.

  • Progressed Effectiveness: Consolidating run characters decreases the general estimate of the list, coming about in moved−forward memory proficiency. Littler records require less capacity space and can lead to quicker information preparation and control. Moreover, operations performed on blended ranges can be more effective compared to working with personal components.

  • Improved Information Examination: Combined extended characters encourage information investigation errands by giving a clear diagram of the data's dispersion. When working with numerical or consecutive information, it gets to be simpler to identify designs, crevices, or irregularities inside the blended ranges. This could be important for different applications, such as factual investigation, information visualization, and machine learning.

  • Streamlined Information Control: Blending run characters rearranges information to control operations. It empowers simple cutting, sifting, and change of the consolidated ranges, permitting more proficient and brief code. For case, when performing calculations or conglomerations on a run of values, working with blended ranges can decrease the complexity of the code.

  • Improved User Involvement: Combining extended characters can improve the client’s involvement in applications that include presenting or associating with information. Showing consolidated ranges to clients can give a clearer and more instinctive representation of the information. It diminishes clutter and makes a difference clients rapidly get a handle on the basic designs or patterns inside the information.

Approach 1: Iterative Comparison


Step 1 :Initialize an empty list, 'merged', to store the consolidated ranges.

Step 2 :Emphasize each component, 'num', within the given list.

Step 3 :In case 'merged' is purged or the current 'num' isn't break even with the past component furthermore one, add the current 'num' to 'merged' as a partitioned run.

Step 4 :Something else, overhaul the final run in 'merged' by setting its conclusion esteem to 'num'.

Step 5 :Repeat steps 3−4 until all components within the list are handled.

Step 6 :Return the 'merged' list.


def merge_ranges_iterative(lst):
    merged = []
    for num in lst:
        if not merged or num != merged[-1][-1] + 1:
    return merged

lst = [1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10]
result = merge_ranges_iterative(lst)


 [[1, 2, 3], [6, 7, 8], [10]]

Approach 2: Recursive Comparison


Step 1 :Initialize a purge list, 'merged', to store the combined ranges.

Step 2 :Define a user−defined function 'merge_recursive’ that takes three parameters: 'lst', 'start', and 'end'.

Step 3 :Inside the partner work, check the base case: If 'end' breaks even with the length of 'lst' short one, add the current run from 'start' to 'end' (comprehensive) to 'merged' and return.

Step 4 :Compare the current component, 'lst[end+1]', with the following component. On the off chance that the contrast isn't rise to one, add the current run from 'start' to 'end' to 'merged' and recursively call 'merge_recursive()' with 'start' set to 'end+1' and 'end' set to 'end+1'.

Step 5 :In case the contrast is one, overhaul the 'end' parameter to 'end+1' and rehash step 4.

Step 6 :Call the 'merge_recursive' work at first with 'start' and 'end' as 0.

Step 7 :Return the 'merged' list.


def merge_ranges_recursive(lst):
    merged = []
    def merge_recursive(lst, start, end):
        if end == len(lst) - 1:
        if lst[end+1] - lst[end] != 1:
            merge_recursive(lst, end+1, end+1)
            merge_recursive(lst, start, end+1)
    merge_recursive(lst, 0, 0)
    return merged

lst = [1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10]
result = merge_ranges_recursive(lst)


[[1, 2, 3], [6, 7, 8], [10]]

Approach 3: Consecutive Range Construction


Step 1 :Sort the input list, 'lst', in rising arrange.

Step 2 :Initialize a purge list, 'merged', to store the combined ranges.

Step 3 :Initialize 'start' and 'end' factors to the primary component of 'lst'.

Step 4 :Repeat through each component, 'num', beginning from the moment component of 'lst': In the event that 'num' is rise to to 'end' furthermore one, overhaul 'end' to 'num'. Something else, add the current extend from 'start' to 'end' to 'merged', upgrade 'start' and 'end' to 'num', and rehash the method.

Step 5 :After the circle closes, add the ultimate run from 'start' to 'end' to 'merged'.

Step 6 :Return the 'merged' list.


def merge_ranges_consecutive(lst):
    merged = []
    start = end = lst[0]
    for num in lst[1:]:
        if num == end + 1:
            end = num
            merged.append(list(range(start, end+1)))
            start = end = num
    merged.append(list(range(start, end+1)))
    return merged

lst = [1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10]
result = merge_ranges_consecutive(lst)


 [[1, 2, 3], [6, 7, 8], [10]]


In this article, we investigated three diverse approaches to consolidating extended characters inside a list utilizing Python. The iterative comparison, recursive comparison, and continuous run development strategies give different ways to realize the required outcome. Understanding the step−by−step calculations and the comparing Python code, besides the language structure clarifications, makes a difference in actualizing these approaches viably. By combining extended characters, ready to streamline and condense records, making strides in coherence and proficiency in our Python programs.

Updated on: 07-Aug-2023


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