RabbitMQ - Test Application Topic

Start the Publisher Application

In eclipse, right click on the Publisher.java source, and select Run As → Java Application. Publisher application will start running and you'll see the output as follows −

Enter message:

Start the Subscriber Application

In eclipse, right click on the Subscriber.java source, and select Run As → Java Application. Subscriber application will start running and you'll see the output as follows −

Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C

Start another Subscriber Application

In eclipse, again right click on the Subscriber.java source, and select Run As → Java Application. Another Subscriber application will start running and you'll see the output as follows −

Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C

Send Message

In Publisher console window, type Hi and press enter button to send the message.

Enter message:

Receive Message

Verify in Subscriber console windows, the message is received in each window.

Received = Hi

Send Quit as message to terminate all publisher and subscriber console window sessions.


Now open http://rabbitmq:15672/ in your browser. It will ask for credentials. Use guest/guest as username/password and it will load the RabbitMQ admin console where you can check Queues and Exchanges to check the status of messages delivered and bindings.
