Automated Testing Process

Automated Testing Process:

For any automated tool implementation, the following are the phases/stages of it. Each one of the stages corresponds to a particular activity and each phase has a definite outcome.

Automated Testing Process
  1. Test Automation Feasibility Analysis - First step is to check if the application can be automated or not. Not all applications can be automated due to its limitations.

  2. Appropriate Tool Selection - The Next most important step is the selection of tools. It depends on the technology in which the application is built, its features and usage.

  3. Evaluate the suitable framework - Upon selecting the tool the next activity is to select a suitable framework. There are various kinds of frameworks and each framework has its own significance. We will deal with frameworks in detail later this chapter.

  4. Build the Proof of Concept - Proof of Concept(POC) is developed with an end to end scenario to evaluate if the tool can support the automation of the application. As it is performed with an end to end scenario which will ensure that the major functionalities can be automated.

  5. Develop Automation Framework - After building the POC, framework development is carried out which is the crucial step for the success of any test automation project. Framework should be build after diligent analysis of the technology used by the application and also its key features.

  6. Develop Test Script, Execute and Analyze - Once Script development is completed, the scripts are executed, results are analyzed and defects are logged, if any. The Test Scripts are usually version controlled.
