Python Script to create random jokes using pyjokes

Are you looking to add some humor to your Python scripts or applications? Whether you're building a chatbot, developing a command-line tool, or simply want to entertain yourself with a random joke, the pyjokes library is here to help. With pyjokes, you can effortlessly generate jokes in various categories and customize them to suit your preferences.

In this blog post, we will explore how to use the pyjokes library to create random jokes in Python. We'll cover the installation process, generating jokes from different categories, customizing the jokes, displaying them in console applications or web pages, and handling any potential errors that may occur.

Installing pyjokes

Before we can start creating random jokes using pyjokes, we need to install the library. Follow the steps below to install pyjokes using pip, the package manager for Python 

  • Open your command-line interface or terminal.

  • Run the following command to install pyjokes 

pip install pyjokes
  • Wait for the installation process to complete. Once done, you're ready to start generating jokes!

It's worth noting that pyjokes requires an active internet connection to retrieve the jokes from its online repository. Therefore, ensure that your device is connected to the internet during the execution of your Python script.

Now that we have pyjokes installed, let's move on to the next section to learn how to generate random jokes using the library.

Generating Random Jokes with pyjokes

Now that we have pyjokes installed, we can use it to generate random jokes in our Python script. Follow the steps below to create a script that generates and displays random jokes 

  • Import the pyjokes module at the beginning of your script using the following code 

import pyjokes
  • Use the get_joke() function provided by pyjokes to retrieve a random joke. You can store the joke in a variable for later use, or directly print it to the console. Here's an example 

joke = pyjokes.get_joke()
  • Run your script, and you'll see a random joke displayed in the console each time the script is executed. Run it multiple times to see different jokes.

You can also generate jokes based on specific categories by passing a category parameter to the get_joke() function. For example, to get a random programming-related joke, use the following code 

joke = pyjokes.get_joke(category='programming')

pyjokes provides several categories such as "general," "programming," "knock-knock," and more. Experiment with different categories to generate jokes that suit your preferences.

In the next section, we'll explore additional customization options and advanced usage of pyjokes.

Customization and Advanced Usage of pyjokes

While generating random jokes is fun, pyjokes offers additional customization options and advanced features that allow you to enhance the joke generation process. Let's explore some of these options:

  • Language Selection  By default, pyjokes generates jokes in English. However, you can specify a different language using the language parameter when calling the get_joke() function. For example, to get a joke in French, use the following code 

joke = pyjokes.get_joke(language='fr')
  • Number of Jokes  If you want to generate multiple jokes at once, you can use the get_jokes() function instead of get_joke(). This function takes an optional count parameter to specify the number of jokes to retrieve. Here's an example 

jokes = pyjokes.get_jokes(count=3)
for joke in jokes:
  • Specific Joke Types  pyjokes allows you to retrieve jokes of specific types using the get_jokes() function with the category parameter. For example, to get two programming jokes and a knock-knock joke, use the following code 

jokes = pyjokes.get_jokes(category=['programming', 'knock-knock'], count=3)
for joke in jokes:
  • Joke Language Translation  If you want to translate a joke from one language to another, pyjokes provides a translate() function. This function takes a joke and the target language as input parameters. Here's an example of translating a joke from English to Spanish 

english_joke = pyjokes.get_joke()
spanish_joke = pyjokes.translate(english_joke, 'es')
  • Adding Custom Jokes  If you want to add your own jokes to the pyjokes library, you can do so by creating a text file with your jokes and using the load_jokes() function. The function takes the file path as a parameter and adds the jokes to the pyjokes library. Here's an example 


In the next section, we'll put everything together and create a Python script that generates and displays random jokes with customization options.

Creating a Python Script to Generate Random Jokes with pyjokes

Now that we have explored the features and customization options of pyjokes, let's create a Python script that utilizes the library to generate and display random jokes. This script will allow you to easily generate jokes on demand, customize the joke generation process, and have a good laugh.

Here's an example script that demonstrates how to achieve this 

import pyjokes

def generate_random_joke(language='en'):
    joke = pyjokes.get_joke(language=language)

def generate_multiple_jokes(count=1, language='en'):
    jokes = pyjokes.get_jokes(count=count, language=language)
    for joke in jokes:
        print('-' * 30)

def main():
    print("Welcome to the Joke Generator!")
    print("Choose an option:")
    print("1. Generate a random joke")
    print("2. Generate multiple jokes")
    choice = input("Enter your choice (1/2): ")

    if choice == '1':
        language = input("Enter the language code (default: en): ")
    elif choice == '2':
        count = int(input("Enter the number of jokes to generate: "))
        language = input("Enter the language code (default: en): ")
        generate_multiple_jokes(count, language)
        print("Invalid choice. Exiting...")

if __name__ == '__main__':

In this script, we define two functions: generate_random_joke() and generate_multiple_jokes(). The generate_random_joke() function generates and prints a single random joke, allowing you to specify the language. The generate_multiple_jokes() function generates and displays a specified number of jokes, also with language customization.

The main() function serves as the entry point of the script, where the user is presented with options to generate a single joke or multiple jokes. The user can choose the language and the number of jokes to generate.

(Note: Make sure you have installed the pyjokes library before running the script. You can install it using pip: pip install pyjokes)


In this article, we have explored the fun and entertaining world of generating random jokes using the pyjokes library in Python. We started by introducing pyjokes and highlighting its features, including the ability to generate jokes in multiple languages and customize the joke content.

We then delved into the installation process and demonstrated how to install the pyjokes library using pip. Once installed, we explored various functions provided by pyjokes to generate random jokes, such as get_joke(), get_jokes(), and get_jokes_categories().

To enhance the joke generation experience, we discussed how to customize the joke language, categories, and seed value. We also showcased how to handle exceptions when a joke cannot be generated for a given language or category.

Updated on: 11-Aug-2023


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