Python Program to Implement Stack using One Queue

When it is required to implement a stack using a single queue, a ‘Stack_structure’ class is required along with a Queue_structure class. Respective methods are defined in these classes to add and delete values from the stack and queue respectively.

Below is a demonstration of the same −


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class Stack_structure:
   def __init__(self):
      self.q = Queue_structure()

   def check_empty(self):
      return self.q.check_empty()

   def push_val(self, data):

   def pop_val(self):
      for _ in range(self.q.size_calculate() - 1):
         dequeued = self.q.dequeue_operation()
      return self.q.dequeue_operation()

class Queue_structure:
   def __init__(self):
      self.items = []
      self.size = 0

   def check_empty(self):
      return self.items == []

   def enqueue_operation(self, data):
      self.size += 1

   def dequeue_operation(self):
      self.size -= 1
      return self.items.pop(0)

   def size_calculate(self):
      return self.size

my_instance = Stack_structure()

print('push <value>')

while True:
   my_input = input('What operation would you like to perform ? ').split()

   operation = my_input[0].strip().lower()
   if operation == 'push':
   elif operation == 'pop':
      if my_instance.check_empty():
         print('The stack is empty.')
         print('The deleted value is : ', my_instance.pop_val())
   elif operation == 'quit':


push <value>
What operation would you like to perform ? push 89
What operation would you like to perform ? push 43
What operation would you like to perform ? push 76
What operation would you like to perform ? push 56
What operation would you like to perform ? pop
The deleted value is : 56
What operation would you like to perform ? quit


  • A ‘Stack_structure’ class is created that initializes an empty list.

  • A ‘check_empty’ method is defined to see if a stack is empty.

  • Another method named ‘push_val’ is defined that adds elements to the stack.

  • Another method named ‘pop_val’ is defined that deletes elements from the stack.

  • A ‘Queue_structure’ class is created that initializes an empty list and assigns size of list as 0.

  • A ‘check_empty’ method is defined to see if a queue is empty.

  • Another method named ‘enqueue_operation’ is defined that adds elements to the queue.

  • Another method named ‘dequeue_operation’ is defined that deletes elements from the queue.

  • Another method named ‘size_calculate’ is defined, that determines the size of the queue.

  • An instance of this ‘Stack_structure’ is defined.

  • Four options are given- Menu, push, pop, and quit.

  • Based on the inut given by the user, operations are performed on the elements of stack.

  • The output is displayed on the console.

Updated on: 15-Apr-2021


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