Python Program to Assign keys with Maximum Element Index

In Python, an element index refers to the position of an element within a sequence, such as a list or string. It represents the location of an element, starting from 0 for the first element and incrementing by 1 for each subsequent element. Assigning keys with the maximum element index means associating unique identifiers or labels with the highest possible index value in a sequence. This approach allows for easy access and retrieval of elements based on their positions using the assigned keys.


Assume we have taken an input dictionary. We will now find the maximum element in the values of each key and assign its index to the key and print the resultant dictionary using the above methods.


inputDict = {'hello': [4, 2, 8],
			'tutorialspoint': [5, 12, 10],
			'python': [9, 3, 7],
			'users': [3, 6, 1]}


Resultant dictionary after assigning keys with maximum element index:
 {'hello': 2, 'tutorialspoint': 1, 'python': 0, 'users': 1}

In the above input dictionary, the maximum element of key hello is 8 and its index is 2. Hence that index of the maximum element is assigned to the key hello which is 2 and the same with the other elements also and then the resultant dictionary is printed.

hello: max element is 8 –> index is 2

'tutorialspoint': max element is 12 –> index is 1

'python': max element is 9 –> index is 0

'users': max element is 6 –> index is 1

index() function

The position at the first occurrence of the provided value is returned by the index() function.



max() function

The max() function returns the highest-valued item/greatest number in an iterable.

Algorithm (Steps)

Following are the Algorithm/steps to be followed to perform the desired task –.

  • Create a variable to store the input dictionary.

  • Print the input dictionary.

  • Creating an empty dictionary using dict() function for storing a resultant dictionary.

  • Use the for loop to traverse through the keys of the input dictionary.

  • Get the index of the maximum element in the dictionary keys and store the same key with the maximum element index.

  • Print the resultant dictionary after assigning each key with a maximum element index.

Example 1: Using for loop, index() and max() functions

The following program returns a dictionary after assigning each key of an input dictionary with a maximum element index using for loop, index(), and max() functions 


# input dictionary
inputDict = {'hello': [4, 2, 8],
             'tutorialspoint': [5, 12, 10],
             'python': [9, 3, 7],
             'users': [3, 6, 1]}
# printing input dictionary
print("Input dictionary:\n", inputDict)
# empty dictionary for storing a resultant dictionary
resultantDict = dict()
# traversing through the keys of the input dictionary
for k in inputDict:
	# Getting the maximum element index 
    # Storing it as a value for the same key
    resultantDict[k] = inputDict[k].index(max(inputDict[k]))
# printing resultant dictionary
print("Resultant dictionary after assigning keys with maximum element index:\n", resultantDict)


On executing, the above program will generate the following output

Input dictionary:
 {'hello': [4, 2, 8], 'tutorialspoint': [5, 12, 10], 'python': [9, 3, 7], 'users': [3, 6, 1]}
Resultant dictionary after assigning keys with maximum element index:
 {'hello': 2, 'tutorialspoint': 1, 'python': 0, 'users': 1}

Example 2: Using dictionary comprehension, index() and max() functions

In this example, we use dictionary comprehension which is the shortcut version of the above for loop.

The following program returns a dictionary after assigning each key of an input dictionary with a maximum element index using dictionary comprehension, index(), and max() functions


# input dictionary
inputDict = {'hello': [4, 2, 8],
             'tutorialspoint': [5, 12, 10],
             'python': [9, 3, 7],
             'users': [3, 6, 1]}
# printing input dictionary
print("Input dictionary:\n", inputDict)
# Performing same using dictionary comprehension for concise syntax
resultantDict = {k: inputDict[k].index(max(inputDict[k])) for k in inputDict}
# printing resultant dictionary
print("Resultant dictionary after assigning ks with maximum element index:\n",


On executing, the above program will generate the following output

Input dictionary:
 {'hello': [4, 2, 8], 'tutorialspoint': [5, 12, 10], 'python': [9, 3, 7], 'users': [3, 6, 1]}
Resultant dictionary after assigning ks with maximum element index:
 {'hello': 2, 'tutorialspoint': 1, 'python': 0, 'users': 1}


In this article, we have learned 2 different methods to Assign keys with the Maximum element index. We learned how to find the dictionary's highest-valued element as well as its index. In the end, we learned how to use dictionary comprehension for concise syntax.

Updated on: 17-Aug-2023


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