Python Pandas - Return a new Timedelta with daily floored resolution

To return a new Timedelta floored to this resolution, use the timedelta.floor() method. For daily floored resolution, set the freq parameter to the value D.

At first, import the required libraries −

import pandas as pd

TimeDeltas is Python’s standard datetime library uses a different representation timedelta’s. Create a Timedelta object

timedelta = pd.Timedelta('5 days 10 min 25 s')

Display the Timedelta

print("Timedelta...\n", timedelta)

Return the floored Timestamp with daily floored resolution



Following is the code

import pandas as pd

# TimeDeltas is Python’s standard datetime library uses a different representation timedelta’s
# create a Timedelta object
timedelta = pd.Timedelta('5 days 10 min 25 s')

# display the Timedelta
print("Timedelta...\n", timedelta)

# return the floored Timestamp
# with daily floored resolution
res = timedelta.floor(freq='D')

# display the floored Timestamp
print("\nTimedelta (daily floored)...\n", res)


This will produce the following code

5 days 00:10:25

Timedelta (daily floored)...
5 days 00:00:00

Updated on: 14-Oct-2021


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