Python Pandas - Indicate whether the date in DateTimeIndex belongs to a leap year or not

To check whether the date in DateTimeIndex belongs to a leap year, use the DateTimeIndex.is_leap_year property

At first, import the required libraries −

import pandas as pd

Create a DatetimeIndex with period 6 and frequency as Y i.e. years −

datetimeindex = pd.date_range('2021-12-30 02:30:50', periods=6, tz='Australia/Adelaide', freq='3Y')

Display DateTimeIndex −

print("DateTimeIndex...\n", datetimeindex)

Check whether the date in DateTimeIndex is a leap year or not −

print("\nCheck whether the date in DateTimeIndex belongs to a leap year or not...\n",


Following is the code −

import pandas as pd

# DatetimeIndex with period 6 and frequency as Y i.e. years
# The timezone is Australia/Adelaide
datetimeindex = pd.date_range('2021-12-30 02:30:50', periods=6, tz='Australia/Adelaide', freq='3Y')

# display DateTimeIndex
print("DateTimeIndex...\n", datetimeindex)

# display DateTimeIndex frequency
print("\nDateTimeIndex frequency...\n", datetimeindex.freq)

# Check whether the date in DateTimeIndex is a leap year or not
print("\nCheck whether the date in DateTimeIndex belongs to a leap year or not...\n",


This will produce the following code −

DatetimeIndex(['2021-12-31 02:30:50+10:30', '2024-12-31 02:30:50+10:30',
'2027-12-31 02:30:50+10:30', '2030-12-31 02:30:50+10:30',
'2033-12-31 02:30:50+10:30', '2036-12-31 02:30:50+10:30'],
dtype='datetime64[ns, Australia/Adelaide]', freq='3A-DEC')
DateTimeIndex frequency...
<3 * YearEnds: month=12>

Check whether the date in DateTimeIndex belongs to a leap year or not...
[False True False False False True]

Updated on: 18-Oct-2021


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