Python - Mutual tuple subtraction in list

Tuples are immutable sequences that let us store collections of elements in the Python programming language. The operation of performing mutual tuple subtraction on the tuples included in a list is required in a variety of programming scenarios. In this procedure, corresponding elements from two tuples are subtracted, and the resulting new tuple is created.

In this article, we will examine two distinct methods for implementing mutual tuple subtraction in Python. We will examine the issue statement, outline the algorithms for both strategies, give code samples to aid in understanding, and then draw attention to the benefits and drawbacks of each technique.

NumPy library

A popular Python package for numerical computing is called NumPy. It offers a strong and effective approach to working with arrays, allowing for the manipulation of data and sophisticated mathematical calculations. The ndarray, the central data structure in NumPy, enables effective storage and manipulation of enormous arrays of homogeneous data. Because of its large library of mathematical operations and functions, NumPy is a preferred tool for projects like data analysis, scientific computing, and machine learning.


To utilize NumPy library we use the following syntax −

import numpy as np

The name "np" is employed as an alias or abbreviation for the NumPy library while importing it. As this makes it simpler and more easy to refer to NumPy functions and objects in code.


To accomplish mutual tuple subtraction in list, we can follow the two methods −

  • The NumPy approach

  • The List comprehension approach

Let us look into both the approaches:-

Approach-1:  Utilize the NumPy Approach

Python's NumPy library is a strong tool for numerical computation. It provides effective array operations, such as element-wise array operations. In this method, we'll use NumPy to transform the list of tuples into arrays, take away the corresponding elements, and then transform the arrays back into tuples.


The algorithm to multiply selective values in Python is given below −

  • The NumPy library is set up

  • A set of tuples is established

  • Two NumPy arrays from the list of tuples are created.

  • Append the arrays' elements together by performing subtraction and storing elements in subtracted_array.

  • Convert the array into a tuple again.

  • The tuple list is returned


import numpy as np
def tuple_subtraction_mutual(tuples_list):
    result = []
    for tuple_item in tuples_list:

#For the first part of the tuple add it into a first array and second 
#into the second array
        FirstArray= np.array(tuple_item[0])
        SecondArray= np.array(tuple_item[1])
        subtracted_array = FirstArray- SecondArray
        subtracted_tuple = tuple(subtracted_array)
    return result
# Example usage
ValueE = [((11, 22, 33), (33, 32, 11)), ((10, 20, 30), (5, 10, 15))]
answer= tuple_subtraction_mutual(ValueE)


[(-22, -10, 22), (5, 10, 15)]

Approach-2: Utilize the List Comprehension Approach

List comprehension, which incorporates filtering as well as modification, is a succinct and elegant technique to build new lists from ones that already exist. This technique involves iterating via the list of tuples, deleting the related elements for every tuple, and creating a new tuple with the results.


The algorithm in Python to perform mutual tuple subtraction in the list is given below −

  • Establish a set of tuples

  • Traverse via the list's tuples one at a time.

  • In the new tuple store the result after subtracting the common components to produce a new tuple.

  • Append the new tuple to the list of results.

  • The list of results is returned.


def tuple_subtraction_mutual(tuples_list):
    result = []
    for tuple_item in tuples_list:
        tuple_S = tuple(a - b for a, b in zip(tuple_item[0], tuple_item[1]))
    return result

# Example usage
ValueE = [((11, 22, 33), (33, 32, 11)), ((10, 20, 30), (5, 10, 15))]
answer= tuple_subtraction_mutual(ValueE)


[(-22, -10, 22), (5, 10, 15)]


In this article, we looked at two methods to employ Python to conduct mutual tuple subtraction in a list. The first approach iterates over the tuples and eliminates the common items by employing list comprehension. Simple to use and simply requires a working grasp of Python. The second method makes use of the NumPy library, which offers effective array-based numerical computations. This method works well in situations involving enormous datasets or challenging mathematical calculations. The decision between these methods depends on the particular specifications of the current challenge. You can efficiently conduct mutual tuple subtraction and manage related tasks in your Python projects by being familiar with these strategies.

Updated on: 05-Sep-2023


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