Python - Check if dictionary is empty

During analysis of data sets we may come across situations where we have to deal with empty dictionaries. In tis article we will see how to check if a dictionary is empty or not.

Using if

The if condition evaluates to true if the dictionary has elements. Otherwise it evaluates to false. So in the below program we will just check the emptiness of a dictionary using only the if condition.


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dict1 = {1:"Mon",2:"Tue",3:"Wed"}
dict2 = {}
# Given dictionaries
print("The original dictionary : " ,(dict1))
print("The original dictionary : " ,(dict2))
# Check if dictionary is empty
if dict1:
   print("dict1 is not empty")
   print("dict1 is empty")
if dict2:
   print("dict2 is not empty")
   print("dict2 is empty")


Running the above code gives us the following result −

The original dictionary : {1: 'Mon', 2: 'Tue', 3: 'Wed'}
The original dictionary : {}
dict1 is not empty
dict2 is empty

Using bool()

The bool method evaluates to true if the dictionary is not empty. Else it evaluates to false. So we use this in expressions to print the result for emptiness of a dictionary.


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dict1 = {1:"Mon",2:"Tue",3:"Wed"}
dict2 = {}
# Given dictionaries
print("The original dictionary : " ,(dict1))
print("The original dictionary : " ,(dict2))
# Check if dictionary is empty
print("Is dict1 empty? :",bool(dict1))
print("Is dict2 empty? :",bool(dict2))


Running the above code gives us the following result −

The original dictionary : {1: 'Mon', 2: 'Tue', 3: 'Wed'}
The original dictionary : {}
Is dict1 empty? : True
Is dict2 empty? : False

Updated on: 03-Mar-2020

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