Puppeteer - Getting Element Text

We can get element text in Puppeteer. This is done with the help of the textContent property. This property of the element is passed as a parameter to the getProperty method.


The syntax of getting element text is as follows −

const n = await page.$("#txt")
const t = await (await n.getProperty('textContent')).jsonValue()

In the below image, let us obtain the text - About Tutorialspoint for the highlighted element −

About Tutorialspoint for Highlighted Element

To begin, follow Steps 1 to 2 from the Chapter of Basic Test on Puppeteer which are as follows −

Step 1 − Create a new file within the directory where the node_modules folder is created (location where the Puppeteer and Puppeteer core have been installed).

The details on Puppeteer installation is discussed in the Chapter of Puppeteer Installation.

Right-click on the folder where the node_modules folder is created, then click on the New file button.

Node Modules

Step 2 − Enter a filename, say testcase1.js.


Step 3 − Add the below code within the testcase1.js file created.

//Puppeteer library
const pt= require('puppeteer')
async function getText(){
   //launch browser in headless mode
   const browser = await pt.launch()
   //browser new page
   const page = await browser.newPage()
   //launch URL
   await page.goto('https://www.tutorialspoint.com/about/about_careers.htm')
   //identify element
   const f = await page.$("[class='heading']")
   //obtain text
   const text = await (await f.getProperty('textContent')).jsonValue()
   console.log("Text is: " + text)

Step 4 − Execute the code with the command given below −

node <filename>

So in our example, we shall run the following command −

node testcase1.js

After the command has been successfully executed, the text of the element - About Tutorialspoint gets printed in the console.
