Product of Selective Tuple Keys in Python


There are different type of data structures in python. Tuple is a date structure which is an ordered collection of elements. Tuples are also called as immutable. Immutable basically means tuples can’t be modified once they are created. In the following article we will understand the program of finding the product of selective tuple keys in python. This program is helpful in the problems where we have to perform multiplication on specific element within a tuple.

Understanding the Problem

Tuple is initialized in a similar way we intialize the list in python. Tuple stores a sequence of elements. Each element of the tuple is defined by its own index number, it basically starts from 0. Index can be helpful for us to find the specific element.

Initialization of a tuple in python is as follows:

my_tuple = (2, 4, 6, 8, 10)

Above writtin syntax defines how to write tuple in python language. index 0 contain the elmement 2, similarly element at the index 1 is 4, element at the index 2 is 6, and so on. In the problem, we have to calculate the product of selective tuple keys. It means we can select specific elements from the tuples based on their indices. Multiplication operations can also be performed on these selected tuple keys.

new_tuple = (3,4,5,6,7,10)

index 0 contains the element 3, at index 1 is 4 similarly all the elements in sequential order. Every element can be accessed with the help of below written syntax

new_tuple[3] = 6

Solving the problem

One way to calculate the product of selective tuple keys is by iterating over the desired indices and multiplying the corresponding elements. Below is the explaination of the code:


def product_of_keys(tuple_data, keys):
    product = 1
    for key in keys:
        product *= tuple_data[key]
    return product

my_tuple = (2, 4, 6, 8, 10)
selected_keys = [0, 2, 4]
result = product_of_keys(my_tuple, selected_keys)



Function “product_of_keys” will take two arguments “tuple_data”, and “keys”. first argument Contains the values inside the tuple. In the next line of code we have set the “product value to be 1”. This means there will not be any effect on the final result because multiplication of any number to result the number give the number itself.

For loop is written in which we are incrementing the value with help of a variable “key”

“product *= tuple_data[key]” this statement is the main syntax for the calculation our problem.

This loop will iterate five number of times, because the tuple contains five elements. In each of the iteration element of tuple can be assigned with the help of its index number.






Selected keys are 0,2,4 in which corresponding elements are 2,6,10. We are passing the tuple and the indices in the function “product_of_keys” then we are printing the result.


In this article, we explored the concept of calculating the product of selective tuple keys in Python. Tuples are valuable data structures that allow you to group related data together. By understanding how to perform multiplication operations on specific elements within a tuple, you can accomplish various tasks efficiently.

The solution of the problem involved using a for loop to iterate over the desired indices and multiply the corresponding elements. This approach is easy to understand. It is suitable for beginners.

In conclusion, tuples in Python offer a better way of securing data as alteration is not allowed. By the use of selective tuple keys, we can perform various operations, including calculating the product of specific elements. The examples and approaches discussed in this article should help us accomplish this task efficiently in your Python program.

Updated on: 27-Jul-2023


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