Polymer - Google Chart

The <google-chart> is an element containing charts used for visualizing the data. This element contains various charts such as pie chart, line chart, column chart, area chart, tree map, etc.

Note − For a valid JSON, you must use single quotes if you are passing JSON as attributes.

You can specify height and width as style attributes as shown below −

google-chart {
   height: 100px;
   width: 300px;

You can provide the data using any one of the following ways −

  • Using cols and rows attribute.
cols = '[{"label":"Month", "type":"string"}, {"label":"Days", "type":"number"}]'
rows = '[["Oct", 31],["Nov", 30],["Dec", 31]]'
  • Using data attribute, you can pass in the data directly.
data = '[["Month", "Days"], ["Oct", 31], ["Nov", 30], ["Dec", 31]]'
  • Using data attribute, you can pass data in the URL.
data = 'http://demo.com/chart-data.json'
  • Using data attribute, you can pass data in a Google DataTable object
data = '{{dataTable}}'
  • Using view attribute
view = '{{dataView}}'

You can set the lang attribute on the html tag, if you want to display the charts in locales other than "en" as shown in the following code snippet.

<html lang = "ja">


To use the google-chart element, navigate to your project folder in the command prompt and use the following command.

bower install PolymerElements/google-chart --save

The above command installs the google-chart element in bower_components folder. Next, import the google-chart file in your index.html using the following command.

<link rel = "import" href = "/bower_components/google-chart/google-chart.html">

The following example demonstrates the use of google-chart element.

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <base href = "http://polygit.org/components/">  
      <script src = "webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.min.js"></script>
      <link rel = "import" href = "google-chart/google-chart.html">
         type = 'pie'
         options = '{"title": "Pie Chart", "vAxis": {"minValue" : 0, "maxValue": 8}}'      
         cols = '[{"label": "Country", "type": "string"},{"label": "Value", "type": "number"}]'
         rows = '[["Germany", 5.0],["US", 4.0],["Africa", 11.0],["France", 4.0]]'>


To run the application, navigate to your project directory and run the following command.

polymer serve

Now open the browser and navigate to Following will be the output.

Google Chart