PHP and Xvfb usage


Xvfb stands for "X Virtual Frame Buffer" which is used to create a virtual display in memory without any attached physical display device. It allows running graphical applications without any actual graphics hardware. PHP is a server-side scripting language widely used for web development. In this article, we will discuss how we can use Xvfb with PHP to run graphical applications in headless mode.

Why do we need Xvfb with PHP?

PHP is a server-side scripting language and doesn't provide any direct support for graphics and user interfaces. Most of PHP-based web applications are built on top of popular web frameworks like Laravel, Symfony, and CodeIgniter, which provide support for GUI through their built-in features. But what if we need to use a graphical application directly on server without any user interface?

This is where Xvfb comes in handy. With Xvfb, we can create a virtual display device in memory and run any graphical application without any physical display hardware. This allows us to run any GUI-based applications on server without any user interface. By combining Xvfb with PHP, we can execute any graphical application directly from our PHP scripts.

How to Install Xvfb?

Before we start using Xvfb with PHP, we need to install Xvfb on our server. installation process depends on operating system of your server. Here are steps to install Xvfb on Ubuntu −

Step 1: Open terminal and run following command

sudo apt-get update

This will update list of available packages.

Step 2: Install Xvfb using following command

sudo apt-get install xvfb

This will install Xvfb on your server.

Now that we have installed Xvfb, we can start using it with PHP.

How to use Xvfb with PHP?

To use Xvfb with PHP, we need to create a new virtual display device and start Xvfb server. We can use shell_exec() function in PHP to execute shell commands required to start Xvfb server. Here is an example −

<?php $display = ':99'; shell_exec("Xvfb $display -screen 0 1024x768x16 &"); ?>

In above example, we have created a new virtual display device with display number 99 and screen resolution 1024x768x16. & symbol at end of command is used to run command in background.

Once Xvfb server is started, we can execute any graphical application using display number we created. Here is an example −

<?php $display = ':99'; shell_exec("DISPLAY=$display xterm &"); ?>

In above example, we have executed xterm application using virtual display number 99. DISPLAY environment variable is set to virtual display number before executing xterm application.

We can use same approach to execute any graphical application directly from our PHP scripts.

Benefits of using Xvfb with PHP

  • Headless testing − With Xvfb, we can perform headless testing of GUI-based applications. This means that we can test applications without need for any physical display devices. This saves a lot of time and resources and allows us to perform automated testing of GUI-based applications.

  • Remote access − With Xvfb, we can remotely access graphical applications running on a server. This allows us to access applications from any location without need for physical access to server.

  • Resource saving − Xvfb saves a lot of system resources by creating a virtual display device in memory. This allows us to run graphical applications on a server without need for any physical display devices.

  • Security − With Xvfb, we can run graphical applications in a secure environment without any user interface. This eliminates risk of unauthorized access to system and enhances overall security of system.

Examples of using Xvfb with PHP

  • Image processing − We can use Xvfb with PHP to perform image processing tasks on a server without any physical display devices. We can use popular image processing libraries like ImageMagick and GD to perform image manipulation tasks in a headless environment.

  • Browser automation − We can use Xvfb with PHP to perform browser automation tasks. We can use popular browser automation libraries like Selenium and WebDriver to automate web-based applications and perform headless testing.

  • Machine learning − We can use Xvfb with PHP to perform machine learning tasks. We can use popular machine learning libraries like TensorFlow and Keras to perform machine learning tasks in a headless environment.


Xvfb is a powerful tool that allows running graphical applications without any physical display hardware. By using Xvfb with PHP, we can execute any graphical application directly from our PHP scripts. This opens up a whole new world of possibilities for web developers who need to use graphical applications directly on server. With right knowledge and skills, we can build powerful web applications that utilize full potential of Xvfb and PHP.

Updated on: 14-Mar-2023


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