Partitioning Method (K-Mean) in Data Mining

The present article breaks down the concept of K-Means, a prevalent partitioning method, from its algorithmic framework to its pros and cons, helping you better grasp this sophisticated tool. Let's dive into the captivating world of K-Means clustering!

K-Means Algorithm

The K-Means algorithm is a centroid-based technique commonly used in data mining and clustering analysis.

How K-Means Works?

The K-Means Algorithm, a principle player in partitioning methods of data mining, operates through a series of clear steps that move from basic data grouping to detailed cluster analysis.

  • Initialization − Specify the number of clusters 'K' to be created. This is an integral step for the successful execution of the K-Means algorithm.

  • Random Centroid Selection − In this phase, 'K' centroids are chosen randomly where 'K' denotes pre-defined number of clusters.

  • Assign Objects to Nearest Cluster − The algorithm then assigns each object in the dataset to its nearest centroid based on distance measures such as Euclidean or Manhattan distance.

  • Re-calculate Centroids − Once all objects are assigned, the position of the 'K' centroids is re-calculated. This is done by computing the mean value of all objects within each cluster.

  • Repeat Steps 3 and 4 − These two steps are iteratively repeated until there is no change in the clusters, meaning objects stay within the same cluster during consecutive iterations.

  • Stop Criterion − The process stops when there is no switch of data points between two different groups or clusters and centroids remain static.

Algorithm of K-Means

The algorithm of K-Means is a widely used centroid-based technique in cluster analysis. It follows a simple yet effective process to group data objects into clusters based on similarities. The algorithm starts by randomly selecting K centroids, which are the central points of the clusters.

Then, each data object is assigned to the nearest centroid based on its distance from it. This step aims to minimize within-cluster variance and maximize between-cluster separation.

Next, the algorithm updates the centroids by computing their new positions based on the average of all data objects assigned to them. This iterative process continues until convergence, where no more changes occur in centroid assignments or positions.

Finally, when convergence is reached, each data object belongs to one specific cluster.

K-Means offers several advantages such as simplicity and efficiency in handling large datasets. It also works well with numerical and continuous attributes but may face challenges with categorical or non-numeric values due to its reliance on distance metrics.

The K means algorithm is widely used in data mining as a partitioning technique to split a dataset into K clusters. Its implementation involves assigning each data point, to the cluster centroid and updating the centroid to reflect the mean of the assigned data points. The process continues until convergence is achieved.

Below you can find an implementation of the K means algorithm in Python −


import numpy as np
def kmeans(data, k):
   # Initialize centroids randomly
   centroids = data[np.random.choice(range(len(data)), k, replace=False)]
   while True:
      # Assign data points to nearest centroid
      assignments = np.argmin(np.linalg.norm(data[:, np.newaxis] - centroids, axis=-1), axis=-1)
      # Update centroids to be the mean of the assigned data points
      new_centroids = np.array([data[assignments == i].mean(axis=0) for i in range(k)])
      # Check for convergence
      if np.all(centroids == new_centroids):
      centroids = new_centroids
   return assignments
# Example usage
data = np.array([[1, 2], [2, 1], [5, 4], [6, 5], [10, 8], [11, 7]])
k = 2
assignments = kmeans(data, k)


[1 1 1 1 0 0]

In the given example the kmeans function is designed to operate on a dataset named “data” and requires the user to specify the desired number of clusters denoted as “k". Initially the function randomly initializes centroids. Then it proceeds by assigning data points to their centroid and updating the centroids until convergence is achieved. Ultimately the function outputs an array that indicates the cluster assignment, for each data point.

Importantly when using this code snippet ensure that the “data” variable corresponds to a 2 array. In this representation each row represents a data point while each column represents a feature. To facilitate computation of distances and means the kmeans function relies on the numpy library.

For application and visualization you can execute this code with the provided example dataset “data” by setting k = 2 as the desired number of clusters. The output will then be an array demonstrating the assigned cluster, for each data point.

Advantages of K-Means

K-Means algorithm, a popular partitioning method in data mining, offers several advantages that make it a valuable tool for clustering and analysis. These advantages include −

  • Simple Implementation − K-Means is relatively easy to understand and implement, making it accessible to both novice and professional data miners.

  • Fast Computation − The algorithm is computationally efficient, allowing for quick clustering of large datasets. It can handle a high volume of data points in a reasonable amount of time.

  • Scalability − K-Means can handle datasets with a large number of dimensions without sacrificing performance. This makes it suitable for analyzing complex data structures found in various applications.

  • Flexibility − The algorithm allows for flexibility in defining the number of clusters desired. Data analysts can select the appropriate number of clusters based on their specific requirements.

  • Robustness − K-Means is robust to noise and outliers, as it uses the mean of the cluster members as the centroid representation. This helps minimize the impact of noisy data on the overall clustering result.

  • Interpretable Results − The output generated by K-Means is easy to interpret since each cluster represents a distinct group or subset of the dataset based on similarity or proximity.

  • Versatility − K-Means can be used for various types of data analysis tasks, including customer segmentation, image compression, anomaly detection, and recommendation systems.

  • Incremental Updating − The K-Means algorithm can be updated incrementally when new data points are added or removed from the dataset, making it suitable for real-time or streaming applications.

  • Applicable to Large Datasets − K-Means has been successfully applied to deal with big data problems due to its efficiency and scalability.

  • Widely Supported − Many programming languages and software libraries provide implementations for K-Means algorithm, making it readily available and applicable across different platforms.

Disadvantages of K-Means

While K-Means is a widely used clustering algorithm in data mining, it does have some limitations. Here are the disadvantages of using K-Means −

  • Sensitivity to initial cluster centers − The outcome of K-Means clustering heavily depends on the initial selection of cluster centers. Different initializations can lead to different final results, making it challenging to obtain the optimal clustering solution.

  • Assumes isotropic and spherical clusters − K-Means assumes that clusters are isotropic (having equal variance) and spherical in shape. This assumption may not hold for all types of datasets, especially when dealing with irregularly shaped or overlapping clusters.

  • Difficulty handling categorical variables − K-Means is primarily designed for numerical data analysis and struggles with categorical variables. It cannot handle non-numeric attributes directly since the distance between categorical values cannot be calculated effectively.

  • Influence of outliers − Outliers can significantly impact the performance of K-Means clustering. Since K-Means is sensitive to distance measures, outliers can distort the centroids and affect cluster assignments, leading to less accurate results.

  • Requires predefined number of clusters − One major drawback of K-Means is that you need to specify the number of desired clusters before running the algorithm. Determining an appropriate number of clusters in advance can be challenging and subjective, especially when working with complex datasets.

  • Struggles with high-dimensional data − As the dimensionality of data increases, so does the "curse of dimensionality." In high-dimensional spaces, distances between points become less meaningful, making it difficult for K-Means to find meaningful clusters accurately.

  • Lack of robustness against noise or outliers − While mentioning this point earlier regarding outliers, it's worth noting that even a small amount of noise or outliers can severely impact the performance of K-Means clustering by leading to incorrect cluster assignments.

  • Limited applicability to non-linear data − K-Means assumes that clusters are linearly separable, which means it may not perform well on datasets with non-linear structures where the decision boundaries are curved or irregular.

Difference Between K-Means and K-Medoids Clustering

In the realm of data mining, K-Means and K-Medoids are two widely implemented clustering techniques. Though they share similarities, important differences set them apart. The subsequent table illustrates these distinct differences.




Mean or Medoid

Centroid or mean of the cluster

Represents the most centrally located point in a cluster

Outlier Sensitivity

Sensitive to outliers

Insensitive to outliers

Partitioning Method

Partitions data into K clusters and every data point belongs to the cluster with the nearest mean

Partitions data into K clusters and each data point belongs to the cluster with the nearest medoid

Algorithm Complexity

Relatively less complex

More complex due to the calculation of dissimilarities between data points


Less robust to noise and outliers

More robust to noise and outliers

The table above illustrates the fundamental differences between K-Means and K-Medoids clustering, elucidating their divergent functionality in data mining.

Applications of K-Means Clustering

K-means clustering is an unsupervised learning technique used for grouping data points into different clusters based on their similarities. It has numerous applications such as market segmentation, image compression, anomaly detection, document clustering, recommender systems, DNA sequencing, fraud detection, social network analysis, customer segmentation and image segmentation. K-means clustering is used to identify groups with similar buying patterns in businesses and reduce colors in images without compromising visual quality.

It can detect anomalies or outliers in datasets by identifying significantly different clusters. In text mining, K-means clustering enables document categorization and topic modeling by grouping documents based on content similarity. It helps make personalized recommendations more accurately by grouping similar users or items based on preferences or behaviors in recommender systems. Bioinformatics uses K-means clustering to classify DNA sequences into different clusters for genome annotation and comparative genomics studies.

In financial transactions, it identifies suspicious activities for further investigation while cohesive groups within social networks can be identified using it to understand network structure and analyze information flow. Businesses also use K-means clustering to divide customers into different groups for targeted campaigns and personalized recommendations based on behavior, preferences or purchasing patterns while images are segmented into meaningful regions using it based on pixel similarity in computer vision tasks such as object recognition and image editing.


The K-Means algorithm is an effective partitioning method in data mining that allows for cluster analysis and classification of data objects. With its centroid-based approach and ability to handle large datasets, K-Means offers advantages such as simplicity and scalability.

However, it does have certain limitations, including sensitivity to initial cluster centroids and the need to specify the number of clusters beforehand. Overall, K-Means remains a popular choice in unsupervised learning algorithms for various applications such as data analysis, machine learning, pattern recognition, and feature extraction.

Updated on: 22-Jan-2024


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