What happens if a clinical thermometer got break and the mercury comes out?

Clinical thermometer contains mercury, which is a highly toxic and dangerous metal. If a clinical thermometer got breaks or leaks, it can release toxic vapours. 

Therefore, the following are the instructions that you should take care of-

1. Never clean up spilt mercury with bare hands.

2. Never use a vacuum cleaner and a broom to clean up mercury. The vacuum will put mercury into the air and increase exposure, whereas the broom will break the mercury into smaller droplets and spread them.

3. Always use protective gloves and contact a poison control centre if any mercury is ingested or comes in contact with your skin.

4. Use an eyedropper to collect the small droplets of mercury, and pour it slowly and carefully onto a damp paper towel. Then, place the paper towel in a Ziplock bag and secure. Never pour mercury down a drain, because it can cause pollution of the septic tank or sewage treatment plant.


Simply Easy Learning

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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