What causes the phenomena of sunrise, sunset and changing of seasons? Is it due to the motion of the earth? If it is true, why don't we directly perceive the motion of the earth?

The seasons, length of the day and time of sunrise and sunset change depends upon the Earth's tilted axis and its movement around the Sun (revolution) throughout the year.

Hence, the position of the Earth keeps changing throughout the year, so the tilt also gets affected because of which the length of day and night (sunset & sunrise) varies all over the world.

In summers, the Sun rises early and the day length increases because the tilt of that part of the Earth is towards the Sun, while 
In winters, the Sun rises late and the day length decreases because the tilt of that part of the Earth is far away from the Sun.

When the tilted part of the Earth is toward the Sun, then that part experiences Summer, and the length of day increases, while the night becomes shorter obviously. The distant part experiences Winter as the sunlight reach less and later, and the day
becomes shorter and night becomes longer obviously.

From the figure given below, you can understand the movement and change in the tilt of the Earth.

Earth is moving very fast. It spins (rotates) at a speed of about 1,000 miles per hour (1600 km/h) and orbits around the Sun (revolves) at a speed of about 67,000 miles per hour (107,000 km/h). Earth’s rotation on its axis and revolution around the Sun are accelerated motions because the direction is constantly changing.

We do not feel any of this motion because these speeds are constant, means the spinning and orbital speeds of Earth remains the same so we do not feel any acceleration or deceleration. You can only feel motion if your speed changes.

For example, if you are travelling in a car which is moving at a uniform or constant speed on a smooth surface, you will not feel much motion (almost none). But, when the car accelerates or when the brakes are applied, you do feel motion.

Therefore, we don't feel any motion of the Earth, whether it moves around the Sun or rotates on its axis, because the acceleration is too small to feel.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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