The hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle is 25 CM if one of the remaining two sides is 24 cm find the length of its third side.

Given: The hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle is 25 CM if one of the remaining two sides is 24 cm 

To do: Find the length of its third side


Let  the side be $x$

Since it is a right angle triangle, apply Pythagoras theorem,

Square of hypotenuse = sum of squares of other two sides,

$25^2   =   24^2 +  x^2$


$625   =  576 +    x^2$  


$625  -  576  =    x^2$


$49 =x^2$ 




So, the side of triangle is 7 cm .

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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