In a bag there are 44 identical cards with figure of circle or square on them. There are 24 circles, of which 9 are blue and rest are green and 20 squares of which 11 are blue and rest are green. One card is drawn from the bag at random. Find the probability that it has the figure of square.


In a bag there are 44 identical cards with figure of circle or square on them.

There are 24 circles, of which 9 are blue and rest are green and 20 squares of which 11 are blue and rest are green.

One card is drawn from the bag at random.

To do:

We have to find the probability that it has the figure of square.


Total number of cards $=44$

Number of circles $=24$

Number of blue circles $=9$

Number of green circles $=24-9=15$

Number of squares $=20$

Number of blue squares $=11$

Number of green squares $=20-11=9$

This implies,

The total number of possible outcomes $n=44$.

Number of square figured cards $=20$

Total number of favourable outcomes $=20$.

We know that,

Probability of an event $=\frac{Number\ of\ favourable\ outcomes}{Total\ number\ of\ possible\ outcomes}$


Probability that the card drawn has a figure of square $=\frac{20}{44}$


The probability that the card drawn has a figure of square is $\frac{5}{11}$.        

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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