How does an Amoeba obtain its food?

Amoeba takes its food by endocytosis or phagocytosis.

In this process, the pseudopod is created by the plasma membrane, a temporary arm-like projection. The pseudopodia fuse over the food particles to form a food vacuole. In this food vacuole, complex substances are broken down into simpler substances that get diffused into the cytoplasm. The undigested food is thrown out of the cell.

A pseudopod or pseudopodium(singular noun) is a temporary arm-like projection of the cytoplasm (also referred to as false feet) in a eukaryotic cell membrane that is developed in the direction of movement and is used for locomotion and feeding.

In Amoeba, during binary fission, a single parent cell gets divided into two equal and identical daughter cells. In Amoeba, the parent nuclei split into two daughter nuclei along with the division of the cytoplasm.

The main advantage that an amoeba derives from changing shape is the ability to move. Amoeba moves by pseudopodia as it can change its shape, which provides it great mobility and can pass through any place. 

Updated on: 06-Jan-2023


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