A factory produces $8558$ pencils in a month, which are to be packed in packets. If each packet contains $25$ pencils, how many packets will be made and how many pencils will remain packed?

Given: A factory produces $8558$ pencils in a month, which are to be packed in packets. If each packet contains $25$ pencils.

To do: To find how many packets will be made and how many pencils will remain packed?


Total number of pencils produced in a month$=8558$

Number of pencils in a packet$=25$

Total number of packets$=8858\div25$

On dividing $8558$ by $25$, we have quotient$=342$ and remainder$=8$.

Thus, total number of packets$=342$

Number of pencils unpacked$=8$.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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