A boy of mass 50 kg running at 5 m/s jumps on to a 20 kg trolley travelling in the same direction at 1.5 m/s. What is their common velocity?

As given, Mass of the boy, $m_1=50\ kg$

Speed of boy, $u_1=5\ m/s$

Mass of trolley $m_2=20\ kg$

Speed of trolley $u_2=1.5\ m/s$

Combined mass of boy and trolley, $m=m_1+m_2=20+50=70\ kg$

Let the combined velocity be $v$.

According to the law of conservation of momentum

Total momentum before jump$=$Total momentum after the jump


Or $50\times5+20\times1.5=70\times v$

Or $250+30=70v$

Or $70v=280$

Or $v=\frac{280}{70}$

Or $v=4\ m/s$

Thus, the common velocity is $4\ m/s$.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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