Make multiple directories based on a List using Python

Python, with its simplicity and versatility, has become one of the most popular programming languages for various applications. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting your coding journey, Python offers a wide range of functionalities and libraries that make complex tasks manageable. In this article, we will explore a practical scenario where Python can come to our rescue by automating the process of creating multiple directories based on a list. By harnessing the power of Python's built−in modules and techniques, we can efficiently handle this task without manual intervention.

In this tutorial, we will delve into the problem of creating multiple directories and provide you with different methods to tackle it using Python. By the end of this article, we aim to equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to automate the directory creation process based on a list of names or values. We will explore various approaches, including using for loops, employing list comprehension, and leveraging the functionalities of the os module.

Make multiple directories based on a List using Python

In this section, we will cover the fundamental concepts related to creating directories using Python. Understanding these concepts will lay a solid foundation for the methods we will discuss later in the article.

Python provides a powerful built−in module called "os" that allows us to interact with the underlying operating system. This module provides various functions and methods that enable us to perform file and directory operations, such as creating, deleting, or modifying them.

Before diving into creating multiple directories, let's start by understanding how to create a single directory using Python. The "os" module provides a function called "mkdir()" that stands for "make directory." This function allows us to create a new directory at a specified path. Here's an example code snippet demonstrating the usage of "os.mkdir()":

import os

# Create a single directory
directory_name = "my_directory"

In the above code, we used the "os.mkdir()" function to create the directory with the specified name. After executing this code, you will find a new directory named "my_directory" in the current working directory.

Now let’s understand the methods to make multiple directories on a list using python.

Certainly! Here's the detailed section for Method 1: Using a for loop:

Method 1: Using a for loop

In this section, we will explore the first method to create multiple directories based on a list using a for loop. This method is straightforward and allows us to iterate over each element in the list and create a directory for each name.

Let's illustrate the method with a practical example. Assume we have a list of fruit names, and we want to create a directory for each fruit. Here's an example code snippet that demonstrates the process:

import os

fruits = ["apple", "banana", "orange", "kiwi"]

for fruit in fruits:

In the above code, we import the "os" module and define a list called "fruits" that contains the names of different fruits. We then use a for loop to iterate over each element in the "fruits" list. Inside the loop, we call the "os.mkdir()" function and pass the current fruit name as an argument to create a directory with that name. By executing this code, you will find separate directories for each fruit in the current working directory.

Method 2: Using list comprehension

In this section, we will explore another method to create multiple directories based on a list using list comprehension. List comprehension is a concise and powerful feature in Python that allows us to create new lists by iterating over existing ones.

To demonstrate the usage of list comprehension in creating multiple directories, let's revisit our previous example of creating fruit directories. Here's an example code snippet that utilizes list comprehension:

import os

fruits = ["apple", "banana", "orange", "kiwi"]

directories = [os.mkdir(fruit) for fruit in fruits]

In the above code, we define the "fruits" list that contains the names of different fruits. Using list comprehension, we create a new list called "directories" by iterating over each fruit in the "fruits" list and calling the "os.mkdir()" function to create a directory with the current fruit name. The resulting list "directories" will contain the return values of the "os.mkdir()" function, which in this case is None.

By utilizing list comprehension, we enhance the readability, conciseness, and potentially the performance of our code when creating multiple directories. It is a powerful technique that can streamline our directory creation process and offer more expressive possibilities.

In the next section of the article, we will explore another method: using the `os.makedirs()` function to create nested directories.

Method 3: Using the `os.makedirs()` function

In this section, we will explore another method to create multiple directories based on a list using the `os.makedirs()` function. This method allows us to create nested directories effortlessly, handling the creation of parent directories as well. Let's delve into the details of this approach.

To create multiple directories based on a list using `os.makedirs()`, we need to specify the desired directory structure in the form of a path. This path can include directories separated by slashes ("/") or backslashes ("") depending on the operating system. Here's an example code snippet that demonstrates the usage of `os.makedirs()`:

import os

fruits = ["apple", "banana", "orange", "kiwi"]

for fruit in fruits:
    os.makedirs(fruit, exist_ok=True)

In the above code, we import the "os" module and define the "fruits" list containing the names of different fruits. We then use a for loop to iterate over each element in the "fruits" list. Inside the loop, we call the `os.makedirs()` function and pass the current fruit name as the first argument. The second argument, `exist_ok=True`, allows us to avoid errors if the directory already exists. By executing this code, you will find separate directories for each fruit in the current working directory, including any necessary intermediate directories.

However, it's important to exercise caution when using `os.makedirs()`. Creating directories automatically without explicitly checking their existence can lead to unintended consequences. If a directory already exists and we want to ensure that it remains untouched, we need to handle the existence of directories appropriately. The `exist_ok=True` argument in the above code snippet allows us to do so by preventing errors when the directory already exists.


In this tutorial, we explored various methods to make multiple directories based on a list using Python. Starting with the fundamental concept of creating directories using the `os` module, we learned how to create a single directory using `os.mkdir()`. We then delved into three different methods for creating multiple directories: using a for loop, employing list comprehension, and leveraging the `os.makedirs()` function. Each method was accompanied by code examples, highlighting their considerations.

Updated on: 25-Jul-2023


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