Get the List of all empty Directories in Python

When working with file systems and directories in Python, it's often useful to be able to identify and handle empty directories. Empty directories can accumulate over time, taking up unnecessary space or cluttering the directory structure. Being able to programmatically find and handle these empty directories can help streamline file system operations and improve overall organization.

In this tutorial, we will explore different methods to obtain a list of all empty directories using Python. We will cover two approaches: the first using the os.walk() function, and the second utilizing the os.scandir() function. Both methods are efficient and provide different benefits depending on your specific requirements and the size of the directory structure you're working with.

Method 1: Using Os.walk()

The os.walk() function is a powerful tool for traversing directories in Python. It allows us to iterate through a directory tree and access all the directories and files within it. By combining it with other functions from the os module, such as os.listdir() and os.path.isdir(), we can easily identify empty directories.

Here's a step-by-step implementation of the method:

Using os.walk() to Traverse Directories

  • The os.walk() function takes a starting directory path as input and generates a generator object that yields a tuple of three values for each directory it encounters: the directory path, a list of subdirectories, and a list of filenames.

  • We can use a for loop to iterate over these tuples and access the directory path, subdirectories, and filenames for further processing.

Checking for Empty Directories using Os.listdir() and Os.path.isdir()

  • For each directory encountered during the traversal, we can use the os.listdir() function to obtain a list of its contents (subdirectories and files).

  • By checking if both the list of subdirectories (dirnames) and the list of filenames are empty, we can determine if a directory is empty or not.

  • The os.path.isdir() function helps us ensure that the entry we're examining is indeed a directory and not a file.

Building a List of Empty Directories

  • We can maintain an empty list, let's call it empty_dirs, to store the paths of all the empty directories we find.

  • Whenever we encounter a directory that has no subdirectories (not dirnames) and no filenames, we append its path to the empty_dirs list.

  • Finally, we return the empty_dirs list containing all the paths of the empty directories found.


Let's see the method with an example −

import os

def get_empty_directories(path):
   empty_dirs = []
   for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path):
      if not dirnames and not filenames:
   return empty_dirs

# Example usage
path_to_search = '/path/to/directory'
empty_directories = get_empty_directories(path_to_search)



In the code snippet above, we define a function get_empty_directories() that takes a path argument representing the root directory to search for empty directories. Inside the function, we use os.walk() to traverse the directory tree. For each directory, we check if both dirnames and filenames lists are empty. If they are, we add the directory path to the empty_dirs list. Finally, we return the list of empty directories found.

Now that we have explored the first method, let's move on to the second method using the os.scandir() function.

Method 2: Using Os.scandir()

Starting from Python 3.5, the os.scandir() function was introduced as an alternative to os.listdir(). It provides a more efficient and faster way to iterate over files and directories. We can leverage this function to identify empty directories effectively.

Let's go through the step-by-step implementation of this method −

Using os.scandir() to Iterate Over Files and Directories

  • The os.scandir() function returns an iterator of DirEntry objects that represent entries in a given directory.

  • We can use a for loop to iterate over these DirEntry objects and access information about each entry, such as whether it is a file or a directory.

Checking for Empty Directories using Entry.is_dir() and Entry.is_file()

  • For each entry encountered during the iteration, we can use the is_dir() method of the DirEntry object to check if it represents a directory.

  • Additionally, we can use the is_file() method of the DirEntry object to determine if the entry represents a file.

  • By checking if none of the entries in a directory are files, we can determine if the directory is empty.

Building a List of Empty Directories

  • Similar to the previous method, we can maintain an empty list, empty_dirs, to store the paths of all the empty directories found.

  • Whenever we encounter a directory that is empty (i.e., none of its entries are files), we append its path to the empty_dirs list.

  • Finally, we return the empty_dirs list containing all the paths of the empty directories found.


Let's see how the method works with a hands-on example −

import os

def get_empty_directories(path):
   empty_dirs = []
   for entry in os.scandir(path):
      if entry.is_dir() and not any(entry.is_file() for entry in os.scandir(entry.path)):
   return empty_dirs

# Example usage
path_to_search = '/path/to/directory'
empty_directories = get_empty_directories(path_to_search)

In the code snippet above, we define a function get_empty_directories() that takes a path argument representing the root directory to search for empty directories. Inside the function, we use os.scandir() to iterate over entries in the directory. For each entry, we check if it is a directory using entry.is_dir() and if none of its subentries are files using any(entry.is_file() for entry in os.scandir(entry.path)). If both conditions are satisfied, we add the directory path to the empty_dirs list. Finally, we return the list of empty directories found.

The os.scandir() method offers improved performance compared to os.listdir() due to its ability to return additional file attribute information efficiently. It is particularly beneficial when working with large directory structures.


When choosing between the two methods, consider the size and complexity of your directory structure, as well as the desired performance characteristics of your script. For smaller directory structures, the os.walk() method may be sufficient. However, if performance is a concern or you are working with larger directory trees, the os.scandir() method is recommended.

Updated on: 14-Aug-2023


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