Logistic Regression with Two Highly Correlated Predictors


Logistic Regression is a widely used statistical technique applied in various fields to model the relationship between a binary response variable and a set of predictor variables. This technique is an extension of linear Regression, where the dependent variable is transformed to a logit function to ensure that the predictions lie within the range of 0 and 1. In this article, we will discuss the implications of having two highly correlated predictors in a logistic regression model and the steps that can be taken to address this issue.

Logistic Regression: Dealing with Highly Correlated Predictors

Correlation among predictors in a logistic regression model can cause problems such as multicollinearity, leading to unstable and unreliable estimates of the regression coefficients. In such cases, the regression coefficients may change dramatically with minor changes in the data. Furthermore, this can also result in a high variance in the estimates and lead to overfitting, where the model is too closely fit to the training data and may need to generalize better to new data.

Multicollinearity is particularly problematic when the two highly correlated predictors are included in the same regression model. This is because their individual effects on the response variable are difficult to disentangle, and it becomes challenging to determine the unique contribution of each predictor. As a result, the regression coefficients for each predictor may become unstable and unreliable.

There are several ways to address the issue of highly correlated predictors in a logistic regression model. The first and most straightforward method is to remove one of the predictors from the model. This approach is effective if one of the predictors is of less importance or if it is known that its contribution to the response variable needs to be revised. However, this method may also result in a loss of information if both predictors are important.

Another approach combines the two predictors into a single composite predictor by taking their interaction terms. This helps capture the combined effect of both predictors on the response variable and provides a complete representation of the data. However, this method can also lead to overfitting if the interaction term is too complex.

A third approach uses regularization techniques such as ridge regression or Lasso. These techniques add a penalty term to the regression coefficients to reduce the variance in their estimates and prevent overfitting. This can reduce the correlation among the predictors and produce more stable and reliable estimates of the regression coefficients.

Finally, another approach is to perform dimension reduction techniques such as principal component analysis (PCA) or factor analysis. These techniques help reduce the number of predictors by creating a new set of composite variables that are uncorrelated. The new composite variables can then be used in place of the original predictors in the logistic regression model.

Logistic Regression is a powerful tool for modelling binary response variables. However, the presence of highly correlated predictors can lead to problematic results. By using techniques such as removing predictors, combining them into composite predictors, using regularization, or performing dimension reduction, the impact of highly correlated predictors can be effectively addressed in a logistic regression model.


Let's consider an example of a logistic regression model to predict the likelihood of a customer buying a product based on two predictors: age and income. The data set contains 1000 customers and their age and income information.

After performing an initial analysis, it was found that the two predictors, age and income, are highly correlated. This can cause multicollinearity issues in the logistic regression model and result in unstable and unreliable estimates of the regression coefficients.

One approach to address this issue could be removing one of the predictors from the model. For example, if age is considered the more important predictor, then income could be removed from the model. This would result in a simpler model and prevent the problem of multicollinearity.

Another approach would be to combine the two predictors into a single composite predictor by taking their interaction terms. This would capture the combined effect of age and income on the likelihood of a customer buying a product. The interaction term could be created by multiplying the two predictors together.

A third approach could be to use ridge regression as a regularization technique. This would add a penalty term to the regression coefficients to reduce the variance in their estimates and prevent overfitting. This would reduce the correlation among the predictors and produce more stable and reliable estimates of the regression coefficients.

Another approach could be to perform PCA to reduce the number of predictors. PCA would create a new set of composite variables uncorrelated with each other and could be used in place of the original predictors in the logistic regression model.

Finally, the best approach will depend on the specific problem at hand and the importance of each predictor. In this example, removing one of the predictors, combining them into a composite predictor, using regularization techniques, or performing dimension reduction techniques can be considered to address the issue of highly correlated predictors in a logistic


In conclusion, highly correlated predictors in a logistic regression model can cause problems such as multicollinearity, resulting in unstable and unreliable estimates of the regression coefficients. One can remove one of the predictors, combine them into a single composite predictor, use regularization techniques, or perform dimension reduction techniques to address this issue.

Updated on: 29-Mar-2023


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