Join two text columns into a single column in Pandas

Join two Text Columns Into a Single Column in Pandas: Introduction

Python has a robust data analysis and manipulation module called Pandas. It offers a range of tools and strategies for handling and transforming data effectively. Combining or uniting numerous columns into one column is a common procedure when working with data. The method for joining two text columns in Pandas will be covered in this article, along with step-by-step instructions and examples.

Join two Text Columns into a Single Column in Pandas


In Pandas, joining two text columns means combining the values from two different columns into one column. When we wish to integrate related data or make a new column that compiles information from various sources, this is helpful. In Pandas, the process of integrating the values from two different columns containing text or string data into a single column is known as "joining two text columns." With this process, we can combine related data or make a new column that combines information from various sources. We can speed up data processing and acquire insights from a unified viewpoint by combining text columns.

Joining text columns is simple with Pandas since it has an intuitive syntax and strong string manipulation capabilities. The information integrity is maintained since the connected column that results keeps the original columns' data type. Additionally, Pandas' capacity for handling missing values and carrying out operations across rows or columns guarantees effective management of a variety of datasets.


In Pandas, joining two text columns is a simple matter of syntax. In order to combine the values from two columns and apply the result to a new column, we utilize the "+" operator. Here, dataframe stands in for the Pandas DataFrame name, column1 and column2 are the names of the columns that will be merged, and 'new_column' is the name of the new column that will hold the values from the united columns.

dataframe['new_column'] = dataframe['column1'] + dataframe['column2']

Explanation of the Syntax

Let's break down the syntax and understand each component.

  • dataframe['new_column']: This refers to the dataframe's new 'new_column' column receiving the joined values as its new column. The target DataFrame where we want to add the additional column is the dataframe.

  • dataframe['column1'] and dataframe['column2']: We wish to link these particular columns individually. We get the corresponding values by utilising the names of the columns to access them.

  • ‘+’: Pandas uses this operator for concatenation. It creates a single string out of the values from columns 1 and 2.


  • Step 1 − Add the required libraries: Importing the Pandas library, which offers the ability to interact with DataFrames, is the first step.

  • Step 2 − Read the data into a DataFrame: Use one of the available methods, such read_csv() or read_excel(), to load your data into a Pandas DataFrame.

  • Step 3 − Join the columns: To join the desired columns, use the syntax previously given, and then assign the result to a new column.

  • Step 4 − Examine the joined data: An optional step to confirm the joined column can be to print the new column or look at the DataFrame.

  • Step 5 − Save the updated DataFrame: If necessary, create a new file or overwrite the current one to save the amended DataFrame.


  • Approach 1 − Using the + Operator

  • Approach 2 − Using the Method

Approach 1: Using the + Operator

'Name' and 'Surname' are the two columns in the DataFrame used in this example. These columns should be combined to form a new column called "Full Name." The 'Name' and 'Surname' columns are concatenated with a gap between them using the + operator to produce the desired outcome.


import pandas as pd

# Step 2: Read the data into a DataFrame
data = {'Name': ['John', 'Jane', 'Alice'],
   'Surname': ['Doe', 'Smith', 'Johnson']}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# Step 3: Join the columns
df['Full Name'] = df['Name'] + ' ' + df['Surname']

# Step 4: Explore the joined data

# Step 5: Save the modified DataFrame (optional)
# df.to_csv('output.csv', index=False)


The output of this code will be −

   Name  Surname     Full Name
0  John      Doe      John Doe
1  Jane    Smith    Jane Smith
2 Alice  Johnson  Alice Johnson

Approach 2: Using the Method

The method, which was created expressly for concatenating strings in Pandas, is used in this method. Using the sep option of the method, we may define a separator (in this case, a space).


import pandas as pd

# Step 2: Read the data into a DataFrame
data = {'Name': ['John', 'Jane', 'Alice'],
        'Surname': ['Doe', 'Smith', 'Johnson']}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# Step 3: Join the columns
df['Full Name'] = df['Name']['Surname'], sep=' ')

# Step 4: Explore the joined data

# Step 5: Save the modified DataFrame (optional)
# df.to_csv('output.csv', index=False)


The output of this code will be −

   Name  Surname     Full Name
0  John      Doe      John Doe
1  Jane    Smith    Jane Smith
2 Alice  Johnson  Alice Johnson


It's simple to combine two text columns into one column using Pandas. We can quickly concatenate the values from two columns and produce a new column that consolidates the data by using the + operator or the method. Pandas is a go-to package for working with tabular data in Python since it offers strong features for data manipulation. We may conduct a variety of text manipulation operations by joining text columns in Pandas. In order to produce a coherent representation of the linked data, it enables us to concatenate strings, insert separators or delimiters between values, and use custom transformations. As it avoids the need for manual merging or editing of individual columns, this approach is particularly helpful when working with huge datasets or completing data preparation chores prior to analysis.

Overall, Pandas improves data organization, makes analysis easier, and makes it possible to create enriched columns that include combined information by combining two text columns. Data scientists and analysts can improve their processes, gain better understanding, and extract useful information from tabular data by utilising Pandas' capabilities.

Updated on: 11-Oct-2023


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