HTML - <ilayer> Tag

The HTML <ilayer> tag is used to create a layer that occupies space in the containing text flow. Subsequent content is placed after the space occupied by the <ilayer>.

This is in contrast to the <layer> tag, which creates a layer above the containing text flow, allowing subsequent content to be placed under the layer just created.

This tag is only supported in the old versions of the Netscape.


Consider the following example, where we are going to use the frameset tag to the HTML documnet.

<!DOCTYPE html>

      <title>HTML ilayer Tag</title>

      This <ilayer top = "4">word</ilayer> is shifted down, while this 
         <ilayer left = "10">one</ilayer> is shifted over. With a negative value, 
         words can be moved <ilayer top = "-4">up</ilayer> and to the 
         <ilayer left = "-10">left</ilayer>.


On running the above code, the output window will pop up displaying the text on the webpage.

The result will only work on Netscape 4.

Global Attributes

This tag supports all the global attributes described in − HTML Attribute Reference

Specific Attributes

The HTML <ilayer> tag also supports the following additional attributes −

Attribute Value Description
above layer
The name of the inline layer that will be positioned directly above the current layer in the z-order.
background URL A filename or URL for an image upon which the inline layer's text and images will appear.
below layer
The name of the inline layer that will be positioned directly below the current layer in the z-order.
bgcolor rgb(x,x,x)
The color to use for the inline layer background.
clip number The coordinates of the inline layer's viewable area.
height pixels The inline layer's height, in pixels.
left number The position of the left side of the inline layer. If the current inline layer is part of another layer.called the parent layer-then the position is relative to the parent layer.
name layer
The name of the inline layer.
pagex number The position of the left side of the inline layer relative to the browser window.
pagey number The position of the top of the inline layer relative to the browser window.
src URL The URL of a page that will appear inside the inline layer.
top number The position of the top of the inline layer. If the current inline layer is part of another layer--called the parent layer--then the position is relative to the parent layer.
visibility show
Determines whether the inline layer is visible.
width pixels The inline layer's width, in pixels.
z-index number The inline layer's position within the z-order. Inline layers with higher Z-INDEX values are positioned above inline layers with lower Z-INDEX values.

Event Attributes

This tag supports all the event attributes described in − HTML Events Reference
