ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. There are 27 = 128 printable characters which can be represented by different 7-BIT ASCII codes, each of which can be represented by a 7-digit binary number: 0000000 through 1111111.

Extended ASCII adds an additional 128 characters that vary between computers, programs and fonts.

7-BIT Printable ASCII Characters

Following are the ASCII characters that are listed below −

DEC OCT HEX BIN Symbol HTML Code Description
32 040 20 00100000     Space
33 041 21 00100001 ! ! Exclamation mark
34 042 22 00100010 " " Double quotes
35 043 23 00100011 # # Number
36 044 24 00100100 $ $ Dollar
37 045 25 00100101 % % Procenttecken
38 046 26 00100110 & & Ampersand
39 047 27 00100111 ' ' Single quote
40 050 28 00101000 ( ( Open parenthesis
41 051 29 00101001 ) ) Close parenthesis
42 052 2A 00101010 * * Asterisk
43 053 2B 00101011 + + Plus
44 054 2C 00101100 , , Comma
45 055 2D 00101101 - - Hyphen
46 056 2E 00101110 . . Period, dot or full stop
47 057 2F 00101111 / / Slash or divide
48 060 30 00110000 0 0 Zero
49 061 31 00110001 1 1 One
50 062 32 00110010 2 2 Two
51 063 33 00110011 3 3 Three
52 064 34 00110100 4 4 Four
53 065 35 00110101 5 5 Five
54 066 36 00110110 6 6 Six
55 067 37 00110111 7 7 Seven
56 070 38 00111000 8 8 Eight
57 071 39 00111001 9 9 Nine
58 072 3A 00111010 : : Colon
59 073 3B 00111011 ; &#59; Semicolon
60 074 3C 00111100 < &#60; Less than
61 075 3D 00111101 = &#61; Equals
62 076 3E 00111110 > &#62; Greater than
63 077 3F 00111111 ? &#63; Question mark
64 100 40 01000000 @ &#64; At symbol
65 101 41 01000001 A &#65; Uppercase A
66 102 42 01000010 B &#66; Uppercase B
67 103 43 01000011 C &#67; Uppercase C
68 104 44 01000100 D &#68; Uppercase D
69 105 45 01000101 E &#69; Uppercase E
70 106 46 01000110 F &#70; Uppercase F
71 107 47 01000111 G &#71; Uppercase G
72 110 48 01001000 H &#72; Uppercase H
73 111 49 01001001 I &#73; Uppercase I
74 112 4A 01001010 J &#74; Uppercase J
75 113 4B 01001011 K &#75; Uppercase K
76 114 4C 01001100 L &#76; Uppercase L
77 115 4D 01001101 M &#77; Uppercase M
78 116 4E 01001110 N &#78; Uppercase N
79 117 4F 01001111 O &#79; Uppercase O
80 120 50 01010000 P &#80; Uppercase P
81 121 51 01010001 Q &#81; Uppercase Q
82 122 52 01010010 R &#82; Uppercase R
83 123 53 01010011 S &#83; Uppercase S
84 124 54 01010100 T &#84; Uppercase T
85 125 55 01010101 U &#85; Uppercase U
86 126 56 01010110 V &#86; Uppercase V
87 127 57 01010111 W &#87; Uppercase W
88 130 58 01011000 X &#88; Uppercase X
89 131 59 01011001 Y &#89; Uppercase Y
90 132 5A 01011010 Z &#90; Uppercase Z
91 133 5B 01011011 [ &#91; Opening bracket
92 134 5C 01011100 \ &#92; Backslash
93 135 5D 01011101 ] &#93; Closing bracket
94 136 5E 01011110 ^ &#94; Caret - circumflex
95 137 5F 01011111 _ &#95; Underscore
96 140 60 01100000 ` &#96; Grave accent
97 141 61 01100001 a &#97; Lowercase a
98 142 62 01100010 b &#98; Lowercase b
99 143 63 01100011 c &#99; Lowercase c
100 144 64 01100100 d &#100; Lowercase d
101 145 65 01100101 e &#101; Lowercase e
102 146 66 01100110 f &#102; Lowercase f
103 147 67 01100111 g &#103; Lowercase g
104 150 68 01101000 h &#104; Lowercase h
105 151 69 01101001 i &#105; Lowercase i
106 152 6A 01101010 j &#106; Lowercase j
107 153 6B 01101011 k &#107; Lowercase k
108 154 6C 01101100 l &#108; Lowercase l
109 155 6D 01101101 m &#109; Lowercase m
110 156 6E 01101110 n &#110; Lowercase n
111 157 6F 01101111 o &#111; Lowercase o
112 160 70 01110000 p &#112; Lowercase p
113 161 71 01110001 q &#113; Lowercase q
114 162 72 01110010 r &#114; Lowercase r
115 163 73 01110011 s &#115; Lowercase s
116 164 74 01110100 t &#116; Lowercase t
117 165 75 01110101 u &#117; Lowercase u
118 166 76 01110110 v &#118; Lowercase v
119 167 77 01110111 w &#119; Lowercase w
120 170 78 01111000 x &#120; Lowercase x
121 171 79 01111001 y &#121; Lowercase y
122 172 7A 01111010 z &#122; Lowercase z
123 173 7B 01111011 { &#123; Opening brace
124 174 7C 01111100 | &#124; Vertical bar
125 175 7D 01111101 } &#125; Closing brace
126 176 7E 01111110 ~ &#126; Equivalency sign (tilde)
127 177 7F 01111111 &#127; Delete

7-BIT ASCII Device Control Characters

Following are the 7-BIT ASCII device control characters that are listed below −

DEC OCT HEX BIN Symbol HTML Code Description
0 000 00 00000000 NUL &#000; Null char
1 001 01 00000001 SOH &#001; Start of Heading
2 002 02 00000010 STX &#002; Start of Text
3 003 03 00000011 ETX &#003; End of Text
4 004 04 00000100 EOT &#004; End of Transmission
5 005 05 00000101 ENQ &#005; Enquiry
6 006 06 00000110 ACK &#006; Acknowledgment
7 007 07 00000111 BEL &#007; Bell
8 010 08 00001000 BS &#008; Back Space
9 011 09 00001001 HT &#009; Horizontal Tab
10 012 0A 00001010 LF &#010; Line Feed
11 013 0B 00001011 VT &#011; Vertical Tab
12 014 0C 00001100 FF &#012; Form Feed
13 015 0D 00001101 CR &#013; Carriage Return
14 016 0E 00001110 SO &#014; Shift Out / X-On
15 017 0F 00001111 SI &#015; Shift In / X-Off
16 020 10 00010000 DLE &#016; Data Line Escape
17 021 11 00010001 DC1 &#017; Device Control 1 (oft. XON)
18 022 12 00010010 DC2 &#018; Device Control 2
19 023 13 00010011 DC3 &#019; Device Control 3 (oft. XOFF)
20 024 14 00010100 DC4 &#020; Device Control 4
21 025 15 00010101 NAK &#021; Negative Acknowledgement
22 026 16 00010110 SYN &#022; Synchronous Idle
23 027 17 00010111 ETB &#023; End of Transmit Block
24 030 18 00011000 CAN &#024; Cancel
25 031 19 00011001 EM &#025; End of Medium
26 032 1A 00011010 SUB &#026; Substitute
27 033 1B 00011011 ESC &#027; Escape
28 034 1C 00011100 FS &#028; File Separator
29 035 1D 00011101 GS &#029; Group Separator
30 036 1E 00011110 RS &#030; Record Separator
31 037 1F 00011111 US &#031; Unit Separator

Extended ASCII Codes

Below is set of additional 128 Extended ASCII Codes according to ISO 8859-1, also called ISO Latin-1.

DEC OCT HEX BIN Symbol HTMLCode Description
128 200 80 10000000 &#128; Euro sign
129 201 81 10000001      
130 202 82 10000010 &#130; Single low-9 quotation mark
131 203 83 10000011 ƒ &#131; Latin small letter f with hook
132 204 84 10000100 &#132; Double low-9 quotation mark
133 205 85 10000101 &#133; Horizontal ellipsis
134 206 86 10000110 &#134; Dagger
135 207 87 10000111 &#135; Double dagger
136 210 88 10001000 ˆ &#136; Modifier letter circumflex accent
137 211 89 10001001 &#137; Per mille sign
138 212 8A 10001010 Š &#138; Latin capital letter S with caron
139 213 8B 10001011 &#139; Single left-pointing angle quotation
140 214 8C 10001100 Π&#140; Latin capital ligature OE
141 215 8D 10001101      
142 216 8E 10001110 Ž &#142; Latin capital letter Z with caron
143 217 8F 10001111      
144 220 90 10010000      
145 221 91 10010001 &#145; Left single quotation mark
146 222 92 10010010 &#146; Right single quotation mark
147 223 93 10010011 &#147; Left double quotation mark
148 224 94 10010100 &#148; Right double quotation mark
149 225 95 10010101 &#149; Bullet
150 226 96 10010110 &#150; En dash
151 227 97 10010111 &#151; Em dash
152 230 98 10011000 ˜ &#152; Small tilde
153 231 99 10011001 &#153; Trade mark sign
154 232 9A 10011010 š &#154; Latin small letter S with caron
155 233 9B 10011011 &#155; Single right-pointing angle quotation mark
156 234 9C 10011100 œ &#156; Latin small ligature oe
157 235 9D 10011101      
158 236 9E 10011110 ž &#158; Latin small letter z with caron
159 237 9F 10011111 Ÿ &#159; Latin capital letter Y with diaeresis
160 240 A0 10100000   &#160; Non-breaking space
161 241 A1 10100001 ¡ &#161; Inverted exclamation mark
162 242 A2 10100010 ¢ &#162; Cent sign
163 243 A3 10100011 £ &#163; Pound sign
164 244 A4 10100100 ¤ &#164; Currency sign
165 245 A5 10100101 ¥ &#165; Yen sign
166 246 A6 10100110 ¦ &#166; Pipe, Broken vertical bar
167 247 A7 10100111 § &#167; Section sign
168 250 A8 10101000 ¨ &#168; Spacing diaeresis - umlaut
169 251 A9 10101001 © &#169; Copyright sign
170 252 AA 10101010 ª &#170; Feminine ordinal indicator
171 253 AB 10101011 « &#171; Left double angle quotes
172 254 AC 10101100 ¬ &#172; Not sign
173 255 AD 10101101 ­ &#173; Soft hyphen
174 256 AE 10101110 ® &#174; Registered trade mark sign
175 257 AF 10101111 ¯ &#175; Spacing macron - overline
176 260 B0 10110000 ° &#176; Degree sign
177 261 B1 10110001 ± &#177; Plus-or-minus sign
178 262 B2 10110010 ² &#178; Superscript two - squared
179 263 B3 10110011 ³ &#179; Superscript three - cubed
180 264 B4 10110100 ´ &#180; Acute accent - spacing acute
181 265 B5 10110101 µ &#181; Micro sign
182 266 B6 10110110 &#182; Pilcrow sign - paragraph sign
183 267 B7 10110111 · &#183; Middle dot - Georgian comma
184 270 B8 10111000 ¸ &#184; Spacing cedilla
185 271 B9 10111001 ¹ &#185; Superscript one
186 272 BA 10111010 º &#186; Masculine ordinal indicator
187 273 BB 10111011 » &#187; Right double angle quotes
188 274 BC 10111100 ¼ &#188; Fraction one quarter
189 275 BD 10111101 ½ &#189; Fraction one half
190 276 BE 10111110 ¾ &#190; Fraction three quarters
191 277 BF 10111111 ¿ &#191; Inverted question mark
192 300 C0 11000000 À &#192; Latin capital letter A with grave
193 301 C1 11000001 Á &#193; Latin capital letter A with acute
194 302 C2 11000010 Â &#194; Latin capital letter A with circumflex
195 303 C3 11000011 Ã &#195; Latin capital letter A with tilde
196 304 C4 11000100 Ä &#196; Latin capital letter A with diaeresis
197 305 C5 11000101 Å &#197; Latin capital letter A with ring above
198 306 C6 11000110 Æ &#198; Latin capital letter AE
199 307 C7 11000111 Ç &#199; Latin capital letter C with cedilla
200 310 C8 11001000 È &#200; Latin capital letter E with grave
201 311 C9 11001001 É &#201; Latin capital letter E with acute
202 312 CA 11001010 Ê &#202; Latin capital letter E with circumflex
203 313 CB 11001011 Ë &#203; Latin capital letter E with diaeresis
204 314 CC 11001100 Ì &#204; Latin capital letter I with grave
205 315 CD 11001101 Í &#205; Latin capital letter I with acute
206 316 CE 11001110 Î &#206; Latin capital letter I with circumflex
207 317 CF 11001111 Ï &#207; Latin capital letter I with diaeresis
208 320 D0 11010000 Ð &#208; Latin capital letter ETH
209 321 D1 11010001 Ñ &#209; Latin capital letter N with tilde
210 322 D2 11010010 Ò &#210; Latin capital letter O with grave
211 323 D3 11010011 Ó &#211; Latin capital letter O with acute
212 324 D4 11010100 Ô &#212; Latin capital letter O with circumflex
213 325 D5 11010101 Õ &#213; Latin capital letter O with tilde
214 326 D6 11010110 Ö &#214; Latin capital letter O with diaeresis
215 327 D7 11010111 × &#215; Multiplication sign
216 330 D8 11011000 Ø &#216; Latin capital letter O with slash
217 331 D9 11011001 Ù &#217; Latin capital letter U with grave
218 332 DA 11011010 Ú &#218; Latin capital letter U with acute
219 333 DB 11011011 Û &#219; Latin capital letter U with circumflex
220 334 DC 11011100 Ü &#220; Latin capital letter U with diaeresis
221 335 DD 11011101 Ý &#221; Latin capital letter Y with acute
222 336 DE 11011110 Þ &#222; Latin capital letter THORN
223 337 DF 11011111 ß &#223; Latin small letter sharp s - ess-zed
224 340 E0 11100000 à &#224; Latin small letter a with grave
225 341 E1 11100001 á &#225; Latin small letter a with acute
226 342 E2 11100010 â &#226; Latin small letter a with circumflex
227 343 E3 11100011 ã &#227; Latin small letter a with tilde
228 344 E4 11100100 ä &#228; Latin small letter a with diaeresis
229 345 E5 11100101 å &#229; Latin small letter a with ring above
230 346 E6 11100110 æ &#230; Latin small letter ae
231 347 E7 11100111 ç &#231; Latin small letter c with cedilla
232 350 E8 11101000 è &#232; Latin small letter e with grave
233 351 E9 11101001 é &#233; Latin small letter e with acute
234 352 EA 11101010 ê &#234; Latin small letter e with circumflex
235 353 EB 11101011 ë &#235; Latin small letter e with diaeresis
236 354 EC 11101100 ì &#236; Latin small letter i with grave
237 355 ED 11101101 í &#237; Latin small letter i with acute
238 356 EE 11101110 î &#238; Latin small letter i with circumflex
239 357 EF 11101111 ï &#239; Latin small letter i with diaeresis
240 360 F0 11110000 ð &#240; Latin small letter eth
241 361 F1 11110001 ñ &#241; Latin small letter n with tilde
242 362 F2 11110010 ò &#242; Latin small letter o with grave
243 363 F3 11110011 ó &#243; Latin small letter o with acute
244 364 F4 11110100 ô &#244; Latin small letter o with circumflex
245 365 F5 11110101 õ &#245; Latin small letter o with tilde
246 366 F6 11110110 ö &#246; Latin small letter o with diaeresis
247 367 F7 11110111 ÷ &#247; Division sign
248 370 F8 11111000 ø &#248; Latin small letter o with slash
249 371 F9 11111001 ù &#249; Latin small letter u with grave
250 372 FA 11111010 ú &#250; Latin small letter u with acute
251 373 FB 11111011 û &#251; Latin small letter u with circumflex
252 374 FC 11111100 ü &#252; Latin small letter u with diaeresis
253 375 FD 11111101 ý &#253; Latin small letter y with acute
254 376 FE 11111110 þ &#254; Latin small letter thorn
255 377 FF 11111111 ÿ &#255; Latin small letter y with diaeresis