is_null($x) vs $x === null in PHP

In PHP, null is a special value that represents the absence of a value or the lack of a specific data type. It is a built-in constant in PHP and is used to indicate the intentional absence of any object or value.

Here are some key points about null in PHP:

  • null is a data type: In PHP, null is a unique data type that stands on its own. It is distinct from other data types like strings, integers, booleans, arrays, etc.

  • Absence of a value: When a variable is assigned null, it means it does not contain any value. It signifies the absence of a specific data value.

  • Comparison: To check if a variable is null, you can use the === (identity operator) to perform a strict comparison. For example: $x === null.

  • Default value: If a variable is declared without an initial value, it is automatically assigned null by default.

  • Type and value: null has no type and no value. It is simply the absence of a value.

  • Passing by reference: null can be used when passing arguments by reference to explicitly indicate that no value is being passed.

  • Database representation: In database systems, null is often used to indicate the absence of a value in a particular column of a table.

In PHP, the expressions is_null($x) and $x === null are used to check if a variable is null, but they have slightly different behaviors.

=== (Identity Operator)

The === operator is a comparison operator that checks for both value and type equality without performing type coercion. It can be used in various scenarios to compare variables or expressions for strict equality, including checking for null.

   $x = null;
   if ($x === null) {
      echo '$x is null';
    } else {
      echo '$x is not null';

is_null() function

The is_null() function is an built-in PHP function that provides a convenient way to check if a variable is null. It internally uses the === operator to perform a strict comparison between the variable and null. The is_null() function explicitly indicates its purpose of checking for null, making the code more readable and expressive.

   $x = null;
   if (is_null($x)) {
      echo '$x is null';
    } else {
      echo '$x is not null';

Differences Table

Below table describes the difference between is_null & === in PHP.

Aspect is_null($x) $x === null
Implementation Built-in PHP function Comparison operator
Checks for null Yes Yes
Type Coercion No No
Equality Comparison Value only Value and Type
Usage Context Explicitly checking for null Can be used for various strict comparisons
Return Value on null true true
Return Value on non-null value false false


The table summarizes the key differences between is_null() and === when checking for null in PHP. It includes aspects such as implementation, type coercion, equality comparison, usage context, and return values. Remember to choose the appropriate option based on your specific requirements and the context in which you are performing the comparison.

While both is_null($x) and $x == null can be used to check if a variable is null, they have different implementations. is_null() specifically checks for null without any type coercion, while == performs type coercion before comparing the values. Therefore, it is generally recommended to use is_null() if you want to check for null explicitly, as it provides a clearer and more explicit check.

Updated on: 01-Aug-2023


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