Introduction to Host Names: Understanding the Basics

In the world of computers and the internet, host names are a critical component of how devices connect to each other. A host name is a unique identifier that is assigned to a device or a server on a network. It is used to identify and locate devices on the internet or any other network.

What is a Host Name?

A host name is a label that is assigned to a device on a network. It is used to identify and locate devices on the internet or any other network. A host name is made up of a combination of letters, numbers, and hyphens, and it is usually assigned by an administrator or a network manager. It is very-very important to keeping the thing in mind that host name is not case-sensitive. It means that "mydevice" and "MyDevice" are the same.

How Host Names Work

Host names are used by the Domain Name System (DNS), which is a hierarchical naming system for computers, services, or other resources connected to the internet or a private network. The DNS system is used to translate host names into IP addresses, which are numerical addresses that are used to identify devices on the internet or any other network.

For exa., if you enter the host name as "" into your web browser then your computer or device will send a request a DNS server to translate the host name into an IP address. Once the DNS server returns the IP address, your web browser can then connect to the server hosting the Google website and display the page.

Types of Host Names

There are two main types of host names − Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDN) and NetBIOS names.

Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDN)

An FQDN is a host name that includes the domain name, which is the hierarchical structure used by the DNS system to organize host names on the internet or a private network. An FQDN comprises of three parts such as the host name, domain name, and Top-Level Domain (TLD). For exa., the FQDN for Google's website is "," where "www" - host name, "google" - domain name, and "com" - TLD.

NetBIOS is a a kind of protocol that enables devices to communicate over a LAN. It is used for various purposes such as; file sharing, printing, and other network related tasks. NetBIOS names are used to identify devices on a LAN and are limited to 15 characters. Unlike FQDNs, NetBIOS names do not include a domain name or a TLD.

Importance of Host Names

Host names are an essential component of networking because they provide a human-readable name for devices on a network. Instead of memorizing a long string of numbers, users can remember and use host names to access devices and resources on a network. One of the key benefits of using host names is that these host names allow devices or computers to communicate with each other without any need of device's IP address.

Host names are also used for security purposes. They allow administrators to restrict access to specific devices or services on a network based on their host name. For example, an administrator can restrict access to a server by its host name, preventing unauthorized access to the server.


In conclusion, host names are a critical component of how devices connect to each other on a network. They are used to identify and locate devices on the internet or any other network. Host names are essential for networking because they provide a human-readable name for devices and resources on a network. Assigned host names also allow devices to communicate with each other without needing to know the IP address of the other device. There are two main types of host names - Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDN) and NetBIOS names. FQDNs include the domain name and the top-level domain, while NetBIOS names are used to identify devices on a LAN and are limited to 15 characters.

The DNS is a system that converts host names into IP addresses, which enables devices to connect with each other. The DNS is structured hierarchically, with domain names arranged into levels. The DNS has a restricted number of top-level domains, which include ".com", ".org", and ".edu", among others, at the highest level. Host names are also used in email systems, forming a part of email addresses.

For exa., in "", "johndoe" is the username, and "" is the domain name. It is crucial to note that renaming or changing host names is the responsibility of network administrators, who need to ensure that such changes are propagated through the DNS system. Changing a host name can affect the connectivity and accessibility of devices on a network, so it should be done with caution and proper planning.

In summary, host names are a fundamental part of networking, allowing devices to communicate with each other and providing a human-readable name for devices and resources on a network. Host names can be used for security purposes and are a critical component of the Domain Name System (DNS). As technology continues to evolve, host names will remain an essential element of how devices connect and communicate with each other.

Updated on: 26-Feb-2024


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