Introduction to Iptables

Introduction to iptables

Iptables is a Linux-based firewall application that controls incoming and outgoing traffic. It is a powerful tool that can be used to secure a server, limit access to specific applications or services, and mitigate risk of malicious attacks. This article will provide an introduction to iptables, its purpose, and its basic usage.

What is iptables?

Iptables is a firewall application that works with Linux kernel. It controls incoming and outgoing traffic and provides a mechanism to filter, block, or allow traffic based on various criteria, such as port number, IP address, protocol, and more. Iptables is designed to protect system from unauthorized access and provide a secure environment for applications and services.

How does iptables work?

Iptables works by defining a set of rules that determine how traffic is handled. These rules are stored in kernel and are evaluated for each incoming or outgoing packet. If a packet matches a rule, it is allowed or blocked based on action specified in rule.

Iptables is divided into three main components: chains, rules, and targets. Chains are a series of rules that apply to specific types of traffic, such as incoming or outgoing traffic. Rules define criteria for matching a packet and action to take if packet matches. Targets are actions that iptables takes, such as accepting or dropping packet.

Iptables also supports various modules that can be used to enhance its functionality. These modules can be used to add new criteria for matching packets, such as time of day or user that initiated connection.

Basic iptables usage

Iptables is a command-line tool that is installed by default on most Linux distributions. To use iptables, you must have root or superuser privileges.

To view current iptables rules, use following command −

$ sudo iptables -L

This command will list all chains, rules, and targets that are currently defined in iptables configuration.

To add a new rule, use following command −

$ sudo iptables -A chain-name -m match-criteria -j target-action

This command adds a new rule to specified chain. match-criteria specifies criteria for matching packet, and target-action specifies action to take if packet matches.

For example, following command blocks all incoming traffic on port 22, which is used for SSH −

$ sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j DROP

This command adds a new rule to INPUT chain that drops all packets with a destination port of 22.

To remove a rule, use following command −

$ sudo iptables -D chain-name rule-number

This command removes specified rule from specified chain.

For example, following command removes rule that blocks incoming traffic on port 22 −

$ sudo iptables -D INPUT 1

This command removes first rule in INPUT chain, which is rule that blocks incoming traffic on port 22.

Advanced usage of iptables

As mentioned earlier, iptables supports various modules that can be used to enhance its functionality. Here are some examples of using advanced features of iptables.

Conntrack module

The conntrack module is used to track connections and is useful for allowing return traffic in stateful connections. For example, if you have a web server that accepts incoming traffic on port 80, and you want to allow return traffic for established connections, you can use conntrack module as follows −

$ sudo iptables -A INPUT -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT

This rule allows incoming traffic that is part of an established or related connection.

State module

The state module is used to maintain stateful connections and is useful for allowing only valid traffic. For example, if you want to allow only incoming SSH traffic from a specific IP address, you can use state module as follows −

$ sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -s --dport 22 -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

This rule allows incoming SSH traffic from IP address and only allows new or established connections.

Limit module

The limit module is used to limit rate of traffic and is useful for preventing denial of service attacks. For example, if you want to limit incoming traffic to port 80 to 100 connections per minute, you can use limit module as follows −

$ sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -m limit --limit 100/minute -j ACCEPT

This rule allows incoming traffic to port 80, but limits rate of traffic to 100 connections per minute.


Iptables is a powerful tool that can be used to secure a server, limit access to specific applications or services, and mitigate risk of malicious attacks. It works by defining a set of rules that determine how traffic is handled. These rules are stored in kernel and are evaluated for each incoming or outgoing packet. Iptables is divided into three main components: chains, rules, and targets. Chains are a series of rules that apply to specific types of traffic, such as incoming or outgoing traffic. Rules define criteria for matching a packet and action to take if packet matches. Targets are actions that iptables takes, such as accepting or dropping packet. Iptables is a command-line tool that is installed by default on most Linux distributions and can be used to add, remove, or modify rules to control traffic.

There are many more advanced features of iptables, such as using conntrack module to track connections, using state module to maintain stateful connections, and using limit module to limit rate of traffic. These advanced features can help to create a more robust and secure firewall configuration.

Updated on: 14-Mar-2023

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