In what ways are women breaking stereotypes?

Women of the contemporary times are not like the ones who used to be confined to the four walls of the house. They are rather breaking stereotypes and carving a niche for themselves. Not only the family which they belong to but they are making the whole country proud of them.

Stepping Out

Earlier women used to be strictly at home. No going out alone except something very urgent takes place. But now, women are moving ahead of men in career and what not!

Taking their Own Decisions

Age is no bar for a woman who wishes to do something. I have read an interview of a woman who married at the age of 54 because her husband died 2 years ago due to cancer and she could not take care of her health after that alone. Another woman teaches ballad dance to a group of 30 girls daily with all her poise at the age of 85 years.

New Professions

Earlier women used to engage themselves in art and craft, tailoring and weaving. But now women are even employed as cab drivers, bartenders police officers etc.

It is said that "Where there is a will, there is a way." We all know that if a woman resolves to do something, she definitely does it. Times may change and different things may change, but what will not change is the firm determination, the honesty of outlook and the worth applauding patience of these women. We should help girls educate themselves and lead a better life and we should also be proud of all women- even if they are housewives. Because every woman is a warrior and a hero in some sense.

Updated on: 30-Jul-2019


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