HTML - <multicol> Tag

The HTML <multicol> tag is used to create multiple columns of text and lets you control the size and number of the columns.

The <multicol> tag can contain any other HTML content, much like the <div> tag. All of the content within the <multicol> tag is displayed just like conventional content, except that Netscape 4 places the contents into multiple columns instead of just one.

This tag is no longer recommended as it is deprecated and not supported in the HTML5 and is supported by Netscape 3 .


Following example will create a three columns layout in Netscape.

<h1>Breaking News</h1>
<multicol cols = 3>
   <p>State media said more than 2,000 soldiers, police and miners 
   closed the breach in the dike in Shandong province early Sunday and 
   installed pipes and five high-speed pumps, but gave no indication if 
   there were any signs of life.</p>
   <p>The Huayuan Mining Co. mine flooded on Friday afternoon when the 
   Wen river burst a dike, sending water pouring into a shaft and trapping 
   172 miners, Xinhua and state television said.</p>

On running the above code, it will generate an output consisting of he text displayed on the webpage.


Attribute Value Description
cols number specifies the number of text columns for the text display. The browser attempts to flow elements evenly across the columns to make each column be about the same height. Unless the WIDTH attribute is present, column width is adjusted to fill the available width.
gutter number specifies the distance between each column in pixels.
width number specifies the width of each column in pixels. All columns are the same width. If this attribute is not present, its value is calculated from the gutter width and the number of columns.

Standard Attributes

Sr.No Attribute & Description
1 class

Document wide identifier

2 dir

Specifies the direction of the text

3 id

Document wide identifier

4 style

Helps to include inline casecadubf style sheet.

5 lang

Sets the language code.

6 xml:lang

Sets the language code.
