HTML - <header> Tag

The HTML <header> tag is used to represent introductory content for an HTML document or section. It specifies a header for the document.This element can define a global site header and some headings elements also includes a logo, company name, a search input field, an author name, global navigation, and other elements.

The <header> element originally existed at the beginning of HTML for headings and is the first to be seen on a webpage.


Following is the syntax of the <header> tag −



The following program shows the usage of the HTML <header> tag.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
   <title>HTML header tag</title>
   <!--create header tag-->
   <p>'header' element(tag) example</p>
      <p>Full form of above content: Hyper Text Markup Language.</p>

When we run the above code, it will generate an output consisting of the ltext displayed on the webpage.


Consider the following example, where we are going to use the <header> tag and applying the CSS properties.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
   <title>HTML header tag</title>
      header {
         color: green;
         font-style: italic;
   <!--create header tag-->
   <p>'header' element(tag) example</p>
      <p>I love playing and watching cricket matches. My favorite player is Virat Kohli.</p>

On running the above code, the output window will pop up, consisting of the text along with a CSS applied displayed on the webpage.


In this example, we are going to use the <header> tag with the anchor element

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
   <title>HTML header tag</title>
      header {
         color: rgb(4, 78, 138);
         font-style: italic;

      .demo {
         background: left / cover url("91442692.webp");
         height: 120px;
         display: flex;
         align-items: center;
         justify-content: center;
         color: white;
         font-size: 20px;
         text-decoration: none;
   <!--create header tag-->
   <p>'header' element(tag) example</p>
      <a class="demo" href="#">Gaming laptop</a>
         <p>Hyper Text Markup Language</p>
      <p>HTML is a standard markup language for documents designed to displayed in a web browser.</p>

When we run the above code, it will generate an output consisting of the image along with a text displayed on the webpage.


Let's look at the another scenario , where we are going to use the <footer> tag with the search input field.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
   <title>HTML header tag</title>
   <!--create header tag-->
   <p>'header' element(tag) with search input field example</p>
         <input type="search">
         <p>Enter something to search in above input search field(it just demo example).</p>

When we run the above code, it will generate an output consisting of the input field along with a text displayed on the webpage.
