HTML - Global accesskey Attribute

The accesskey is a global attribute that provides a hint for generating a keyboard shortcut for the current element. The attribute value must be a single character, such as a letter or a digit.

The accesskey attribute is browser-dependent. It may vary from browser to browser. And supports all HTML tags.

In HTML5, the accesskey attribute can be used with any tag, but in HTML4.1, the accesskey attributes can be used with only few tags, which include <a>, <area>, <button>, <input>, <label>, <legend>, and <textarea>.


Following is the syntax of the accesskey −

<Tag accesskey  = "single_character">

Shortcut to use access key

Following is the table which describe the shortcut to use access key −

Browser Windows Mac Linux
Google chrome Alt+single_char Command+Alt+single_char Alt + single_char
Mozilla Firefox Alt+Shift+single_char Command+Alt+single_char Alt+Shift+single_char
Internet Explorer Alt + single_char NA NA
Safari Alt + single_char Command+Alt+single_char NA
Opera 15+ Alt + single_char Command+Alt+single_char Alt + single_char

Following table describe the activation of the element −

Browser Activation
Google chrome The last element with the accesskey will be activated.
Mozilla Firefox The next element with the accesskey will be activated.
Internet Explorer The next element with the accesskey will be activated.
Safari The last element with the accesskey will be activated.
Opera 15+ The first element with the accesskey will be activated.


In the following example, we are creating an HTML document and using the accesskey attributes as follows −

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title> accesskey attribute </title>
      h1 {
         color: green;

      span {
         color: black;
   <h1>tutorials <span>point</span>
   <h2>HTML accesskey attribute</h2>
   <a href="" accesskey="t">tutorialspoint</a>

When we run the above code, it will generate an output consisting of the text along with a link on the webpage. when the user clicks the accesskey it gets triggered and redirects to new page.


In the following example, we are creating an HTML document and using two input elements with an accesskey attribute. The Alt-l shortcut places focus on the input field, and Alt-s submits the form.

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <form action=""> Location <input accesskey="l" type="text" name="location" value="tutorialspoint">
      <br />
      <br />
      <input accesskey="s" type="submit" value="Submit">

On running the above code, the output window will pop up displaying the input field along with a submit button on the webpage. when the users triggers the access key it submits the form and redirects.
