HTML - <abbr> Tag

The HTML <abbr> tag is used to represent an abbreviation, acronym, or short form of a longer word or phrase, such as www, HTTP. The content written between <abbr> tags renders with a dotted line in some browsers.The <abbr> tag uses an optional attribute, i.e. title

The <abbr> tag can be used with the title attribute, which is optional. This provides hints to a users with the help of a pop-up when the mouse hovers over the content written between the <abbr> tag.

When an abbreviation is used and you want to provide an expansion or definition outside the flow of the document’s content, use <abbr> with an appropriate title


Following is the syntax of the <abbr> tag −

<abbr title = "World Wide Web">www</abbr>


In the following example, we are creating an HTML document that uses an abbreviation without providing an expansion or description, as follows −

 <!DOCTYPE html>
   <p>Using <abbr>HTML</abbr> is fun and easy! </p>
   <p>Tutorialspoint <abbr>TP</abbr> Easy to learn! </p>

When we run the above code, it will generate an output consisting of the text, displayed on the webpage.


Considering the following example, where we are going to use the <abbr> tag and applying the CSS properties to it.

<!DOCTYPE html>
      abbr {
         font-variant: all-small-caps;
   <p>Using <abbr>HTML</abbr> is fun and easy! </p>
   <p>Tutorialspoint <abbr>TP</abbr> Easy to learn! </p>

On running the above code, the output will pop up displaying the text with a applied CSS properties on the webpage.


Let's look into the following example, where we are going to use the <abbr> tag and its attribute "title".

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <p>Ashok's joke made me <abbr title="Laugh Out Loud">LOL</abbr> big time. </p>
   <p>This is <abbr title="Hyper-tax markup language">HTML</abbr>

When we run the above code, it will generate an output consisting of the text displayed on the webpage. When the user tries to hover over the abbr text, it pops up and displays a text.
