How to use the Tor to Surf the Web Anonymously

Everyone has secrets, and not all of them are sinister ones. Some secrets are personal, that we share with friends and they swear to protect it all their lives. Then there are really private secrets that we would rather not share and take measures to protect.

But every time we think of more security, we look toward the internet to get help in preserving our privacy. There are many companies that provide online data-storage services and promise that our information will remain secure with them.

What is Deep Web?

Internet is very vast, it’s not restricted just to Google, Facebook, YouTube or other social-networking sites. It is a completely different world full of good people and bad people. There are things which we can access and explore, there are things restricted.

Deep web is the other hidden part of the internet. Deep web is actually a warehouse or a collection of websites that can be seen publicly but it hides the IP addresses of the servers that run them, maintain the identity of the user on the server. Anyone can visit these sites but it’s very difficult to detect who is behind the sites.

Anyone can visit these sites but it’s very difficult to detect who is behind the sites.

Why to Use Tor?

Things or websites which cannot be found in normal sites, government record, restricted files, records, business transactions – everything one can think of – is available in deep web. For every page that is available to users which are accessible on web, there are twenty more on the Deep Web. Accessing such restricted information could lead to suspicion from authorities.

This is where Tor comes in. Tor is famous for its end user hiding properties. One can also use Tor for maintaining privacy by hiding your true identity and your exact location. Tor has several encryption layers which makes any one trying to trace your IP, get a completely different IP address on the Tor network.

Installing and Using “Tor” Search Engine

You cannot find Deep Web through normal search engines. All the sites in deep web hide their identity. This is done through an encryption tool known as Tor. Once you install Tor, you are all set to go. So go to from there you can download Tor Browser Bundle. This includes all the tool you need to access the Deep Web. Then run the downloaded file, select a location for extraction.

Now open the folder and click on start Tor browser. All the random network set up will be automatically managed by the Vidalia Control Panel. The browser will open once Tor is ready. To disconnect from the network, simply close it again.

Installing and Using “Tor” on Computers

Installing Tor is easy in desktop. Tor employs an Onion-routing system, which randomizes data and IP addresses by sending them through different servers throughout the world. In other words, you never know what data your device is sending to the Tor network. Also, installing Tor on desktop doesn’t require any other apps, but while installing it in Android, there are certain requirements. These required apps cannot be found in Google Play store, so make sure you have an app installation enabled from unknown sources.

Installing Tor on Android Platform

For Android, you have to first install Orwall. It forces your apps to use Tor network to transmit data and if app cannot use Tor, then the connection will be lost. Then install Orbot. It acts as a bridge to transfer your data from apps to Tor but only through Proxy. It’s important to have both Orwall and Orbot.

The final requirement is to install OrWeb. It will help you surf the Deep Web. You might feel the connection is slow, however that’s because your data is bouncing through International Tor servers and you get high assurance privacy. Orweb has great quality Reddit browsing making it easier to browse through your office’s firewall.

How Tor Works?

During routing, every node connected with Tor is selected randomly and the same node cannot be selected more than one time in a single path. To maintain privacy and anonymity, all the connections have fixed durations. The client software changes the identity after every 10mins to maintain privacy.

So, a third party can never know which connection is initiated as a client and which as node, making it impossible to track the communication. It is completely based on concept of distribution of routing information. The transmission is unknown before the path between source and destination along with every node of the network handles minimal data to track the packets to the next hop without saving the history of the routes.

How to Browse Deep Web?

Navigation in the deep web is different from normal web. It is more complex because of the lack of indexing of the content. One has to know a way to list the content through adopting collection of wiki or Sites like BBS which aims to collect links and categorize them into groups making it easier to browse.

With all these things you can easily access and use Deep Web and this will definitely keep your data secure, maintain your privacy. Be careful while using deep web. It shelters everything legal and illegal. It is a place where everything is possible.

Pitfalls of Deep Web

Deep Web was designed for anonymity, which means along with many well-meaning people, you could also be subject to some very cunning and crooked people. There are other means to protect data and keep them safe and secure, so it is suggested to try avoiding deep web as far as possible.


If all these security breaches and NSA scandals in recent months have hinted anything, it is that no one’s data is secure and private 100% when online. It’s like a place where people keep their secrets and they do not want the world to know. Things which you may like and things which you may not, just keep in mind its deep, its dark and it’s a secret kept secret.

Updated on: 22-Jan-2020


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