How to Use Aircrack-Ng in Termux?

Network security and ethical hacking have drawn a lot of attention lately. A potent collection of tools called Aircrack-ng enables security experts and enthusiasts to evaluate wireless network vulnerabilities. Users can explore and secure their own Wi-Fi networks by utilizing Aircrack-ng's capabilities within the Termux environment, making it an essential tool for anyone interested in network security. We'll give a thorough, step-by-step tutorial on using Aircrack-ng in Termux in this article, along with useful examples and code snippets.

What is Termux?

An Android terminal emulator and Linux environment app called Termux gives you access to a command-line interface on your phone. Hackers and security researchers favor it because it enables users to access and use a variety of Linux utilities and packages. You can use Termux to take advantage of Aircrack-ng's capabilities on your Android device, allowing you to conduct network assessments wherever you are.

Installing Termux

Let's first install Termux on your Android device before moving on to the installation of Aircrack-ng. Take these easy actions −

  • Open the Google Play Store on your Android device.

  • Search for "Termux" in the search bar.

  • Select the official Termux app from the search results.

  • Tap on the "Install" button and wait for the installation to complete.

  • Once installed, launch the Termux app.

Installing Aircrack-ng

As soon as Termux is operational, we can move on to installing Aircrack-ng. Use the Termux terminal to run the following commands:

  • Run the following command to update the package repositories 

pkg update

You can be sure you have the most recent package information by doing this.

  • Run to install the necessary dependencies.

pkg install git autoconf automake clang make openssl-dev libssl-dev pkg-config

In order for Aircrack-ng to be successfully compiled, these dependencies are required.

  • Clone the GitHub repository for Aircrack-ng by using 

git clone

Onto your device will be downloaded the most recent version of Aircrack-ng.

  • Open the Aircrack-ng folder in a new directory 

cd aircrack-ng

Go to the directory where the cloned repository is kept by navigating there.

  • By running each of the following commands one at a time, you can compile and install Aircrack-ng 

autoreconf -i
./configure --prefix=/data/data/com.termux/files/usr
make install

With the help of these commands, you can get Aircrack-ng ready for building, set it up for installation in the Termux environment, compile its source code, and install it on your Android device.

Your Android device has now been successfully updated with Aircrack-ng using Termux.

Using Aircrack-ng

After installing Aircrack-ng, let's examine some common use scenarios and commands.

  • Viewing available wireless networks 

    Run the following command to get a list of nearby Wi-Fi networks 

airodump-ng wlan0

The BSSIDs (Basic Service Set Identifiers) of the wireless networks in the area, along with their channels and signal strengths, will be displayed by this command.

  • Capturing packets 

    Use the command: to take packets from a particular Wi-Fi network.

airodump-ng --bssid <BSSID> --channel <channel> -w <output_file> wlan0

Change "BSSID" to the MAC address of the target network, "channel" to the network's operational channel, and "output_file" to the desired name for the captured packets file. This command will begin packet capture and save the captured packets to the output file you specify.

  • Cracking WEP encryption 

    You can try to break a WEP-encrypted network using Aircrack-ng if you have collected enough packets from it. Execute this command 

aircrack-ng -b <BSSID> -w <wordlist> <capture_file>

Change "BSSID" to the MAC address of the target network, "wordlist" to the location of a wordlist file containing potential passwords, and "capture_file" to the file containing the captured packets. In an effort to ascertain the WEP key used to encrypt the network, Aircrack-ng will examine the packets it has intercepted.

  • Cracking WPA/WPA2-PSK encryption 

    Use a dictionary attack to break networks secured with WPA/WPA2-PSK encryption. Activate the command 

aircrack-ng -w <wordlist> -b <BSSID> <capture_file>

Change "wordlist" to the location of a wordlist file containing potential passwords, "BSSID" to the target network's MAC address, and "capture_file" to the file containing the packets that were captured. The wordlist will be iterated through by Aircrack-ng in an effort to identify the proper network passphrase.

Always make sure you have the right authorization before evaluating and testing the security of any wireless network. Unauthorized activity is forbidden and unethical.

Using Aircrack-ng's Additional Features

Aircrack-ng offers several additional features that can enhance your wireless network security assessments. Let's explore some of these features:

  • Fake Authentication Attack 

    Without knowing the passphrase, you can connect to a targeted Wi-Fi network using a fake authentication attack. The network's security measures can be tested using this attack. To carry out a fake authentication attack, enter the command:

aireplay-ng --fakeauth 0 -a <BSSID> -h <your_MAC_address> wlan0

Replace <BSSID> with the MAC address of the target network and <your_MAC_address> with the MAC address of your device. This command sends fake authentication frames to the network, attempting to establish a connection without the need for a passphrase.

  • Password Recovery

    Using saved capture files, Aircrack-ng can be used to retrieve lost or forgotten Wi-Fi network passwords. The following command should be used to recover a password 

aircrack-ng -b <BSSID> -w <wordlist> <capture_file>

Replace <BSSID> with the MAC address of the target network, <wordlist> with the path to a wordlist file containing potential passwords, and with the captured packets file. Aircrack-ng will iterate through the wordlist, attempting to find the correct passphrase used to secure the network.


When used responsibly, Aircrack-ng is an excellent tool for evaluating the security of wireless networks. You can easily set up Aircrack-ng on your Android device in the Termux environment by following the instructions provided in this guide. Do not forget to respect others' security and privacy by using this tool in an ethical and responsible manner. You can help create a safer online environment by keeping yourself informed about the most recent network security developments.

The provided code snippets are provided solely for educational purposes; any unauthorized or malicious use is strictly forbidden. Before analyzing or testing the security of any wireless networks, always make sure you have the necessary authorization and permission.

Updated on: 27-Jul-2023

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