How to rotate text around (or inside) a circle in Tkinter?

In graphical user interface (GUI) design, the ability to rotate text along a circular path adds a dynamic and visually appealing element to applications. Tkinter, the popular Python library for GUI development, provides robust features to achieve text rotation along a circular path and change its orientation. In this article, we will explore how to rotate text along a circular path in Tkinter and provide a complete Python implementation to demonstrate this technique.

Understanding Text Rotation along a Circular Path in Tkinter

In Tkinter, rotating text along a circular path involves utilizing the create_text() method of the canvas widget and employing trigonometric functions to calculate the coordinates along the circular path. By specifying the appropriate angle and coordinates, we can rotate the text and achieve the desired effect.

Implementing Text Rotation along a Circular Path in Tkinter

To rotate text along a circular path in Tkinter, follow these steps −

Import the required modules

import tkinter as tk
import math

Here, we import the necessary modules. tkinter is imported as tk for convenience, and the math module is imported to perform trigonometric calculations.

Create the Tkinter application and the canvas widget

root = tk.Tk()
root.title("Rotating Text Around (or inside) a Circle)")
canvas = tk.Canvas(root, width=400, height=400)

In this step, we create a Tkinter application window (root) and a canvas widget (canvas) to serve as the drawing area for our graphics.

Define the function to rotate text along a circular path:

def rotate(angle=0):
   x = math.cos(angle) * 200 + 250
   y = math.sin(angle) * 200 + 250
   canvas.coords(txt, x, y)
   canvas.after(100, rotate, angle+0.1)
# Rotate the text inside the circle
txt = canvas.create_text(250, 50, text="Rotated Text")

In this step we created a function named rotate() that calculates the coordinates along the circular path based on the provided radius and center coordinates.

Call the rotate() function


In this step, we call the rotate() function that rotates the text along the circular path.

Run the Tkinter event loop


Finally, we enter the Tkinter event loop by calling the mainloop() method on the root window. This allows the GUI application to listen for and respond to user interactions.


#Import necessary libraries
import tkinter as tk
import math
#Create the Tkinter application and the canvas widget
root = tk.Tk()
# Set the geometry of Tkinter Window
# Set the title of Tkinter Window
root.title("Rotating Text Around (or inside) a Circle)")
canvas = tk.Canvas(root, width=500, height=500)
#Define the function to rotate the text around a circle
def rotate(angle=0):
   x = math.cos(angle) * 200 + 250
   y = math.sin(angle) * 200 + 250
   canvas.coords(txt, x, y)
   canvas.after(100, rotate, angle+0.1)
txt = canvas.create_text(250, 50, text="Rotated Text")
#Call the function
#Run the Tkinter event loop

In this code, we create a Tkinter application and a canvas widget to display our graphics. The rotate() function calculates the coordinates along the circular path based on the provided radius and center coordinates. By using trigonometric functions, we determine the x and y coordinates on the circular path. Finally, we use the create_text() method of the canvas widget to display the rotated text at the calculated position, with the angle parameter set to the negative of the input angle to change its orientation along the circular path.


After running the code, you will get the rotating text around a circular path −

Customizing the Implementation

The provided implementation rotates the text along a circular path and changes its orientation. You can customize the radius, center coordinates, font, size, color, and other attributes of the text to suit your specific requirements. Experiment with different angles, circular paths, and text attributes to create captivating GUI applications.


Rotating text along a circular path in Tkinter adds a dynamic and visually engaging element to GUI designs. By utilizing Tkinter's create_text() method and performing calculations to determine the coordinates along the circular path, we can achieve captivating text rotation effects. The complete Python implementation provided in this article serves as a starting point for incorporating this functionality into your Tkinter projects. Explore various angles, circular paths, and text attributes to create visually stunning GUI interfaces that captivate your users. Tkinter's versatility empowers you to create interactive and aesthetically pleasing GUI applications with ease.

Updated on: 06-Dec-2023


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