How to resume Python Machine Learning if the Machine has restarted?


Python ranks as one of the most widely used programming languages for machine learning for its simplicity of being used, adaptability, and broad library and tool set. Yet, one challenge that many developers have when working with Python for machine learning is how to resume work if their system unexpectedly restarts. This is incredibly frustrating if you've spent hours or days training a machine learning model only to have all of your efforts destroyed due to a sudden shutdown or restart.

In this post, we'll look at different ways for resuming Python machine-learning work once your system has restarted.


1. Use a checkpoint system

  • A checkpoint system is one of the finest ways to resume your Python machine-learning work after a restart. This entails preserving your model's parameters and state after every epoch so that if your system suddenly restarts, you can simply load the most recent checkpoint and begin training from where you left off.

  • Most machine learning packages, such as TensorFlow and PyTorch, have checkpoint creation capability. With TensorFlow, for example, you may use the tf.train.Checkpoint class to save and restore your model's state. With PyTorch, you may use the method to store the state of your model to a file and the torch.load() function to load it back into memory.

2. Save your data and preprocessed features

  • You should store your data as well as any heavily processed features you've developed in addition to the state of your model. You can save time and money by not having to repeat time-consuming preprocessing processes like normalization or feature scaling.

  • Data and highly processed features may be saved in a number of file formats, including CSV, JSON, and even binary formats like NumPy arrays or HDF5. Be sure to just save your data in a format compatible with your machine-learning library so that it can be loaded back into memory rapidly.

3. Use cloud-based storage solutions

  • A cloud-based storage solution, such as Google Drive or Amazon S3, is another choice for restarting your Python machine-learning work after a restart. These services let you to save your model checkpoints and data in the cloud and retrieve them from any workstation, even if your local system has restarted.

  • To use cloud-based storage options, you must first make an account with the service of your choosing, and then upload and download your files using a library or tool. You may use the down library, for example, to download files from Google Drive, or the boto3 library to communicate with Amazon S3.

4. Use containerization

  • Another approach for resuming your Python machine learning work after a restart is containerization. Containers allow you to combine your code and dependencies into a single, portable entity that can be easily transferred across machines or environments.

  • To use containerization, you must first create a Docker image including your Python code, dependencies, and any necessary data or checkpoints. You may then run this image on any system with Docker installed, eliminating the need to reload dependencies or rebuild your environment.

5. Use version control

  • Lastly, using version control is another method for continuing your Python machine-learning work after a restart. Version control solutions, such as Git or SVN, allow you to track changes to your code and data over time and can assist you in avoiding work loss due to unexpected restarts or failures.

  • To utilize version control, you must first build a repository for your project and then periodically commit changes to the repository. This records changes to your code and data and allows you to simply revert to a prior version if something goes wrong.

Apart from version control, using a cloud-based Git repository, such as GitHub or GitLab, can give other benefits like automated backups, collaboration capabilities, and connections with other services.


Coping with unexpected machine restarts may be an aggravating and time-consuming process, particularly when working on a machine learning project. But, by using some of the tactics discussed in this article, such as checkpoints, cloud-based storage solutions, containerization, and version control, you may help reduce the effect of unexpected restarts and continue your work more quickly and simply.

It is crucial to remember that based on your unique project and requirements, alternative tactics may be more or less suited. For example, if you deal with a significant volume of data, a cloud-based storage solution may be more practical than attempting to keep everything local.

Therefore, the key to properly continuing your Python machine learning work after a restart is to plan ahead of time and be ready for unforeseen interruptions. By adopting some of these tactics into your workflow, you may assist to make your work more robust and less vulnerable to unexpected disruptions.

Updated on: 13-Apr-2023


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