How to Remove YOUR COMPUTER HAS BEEN BLOCKED Fake Microsoft Warning Pop Ups?

While browsing the Internet, if you have received a virus alert from Microsoft stating that "YOUR COMPUTER HAS BEEN BLOCKED" because the system is infected with viruses and asking to call you, it is probably a scam.

In this post, we would discuss how such fake Microsoft Warning Pop-Ups are generated and how to remove them.

What is Microsoft Virus Warning Pop-Ups

Cybercriminals use various tricks to manipulate users and get into their systems. One common trick is creating fear among users by presenting them fake alerts pretending from genuine organizations. Microsoft Virus Warning pop-up is one of those fake alerts. In this, the users will suddenly get a pop-up message pretending from Microsoft, which states that the computer has been blocked because of a malware attack and users' personal details are being stolen. The warning pop-up also asks the users to call a specific number to get rid of the viruses.

When the users call on the given number, the attacker pretending as technical support will prompt them to download a fake antivirus program, which is, in reality, malware. The phony technician would also ask the caller to pay the fees for providing the solution.

The users need to understand that this whole pop-up scenario is put up by cybercriminals to frighten them and manipulate them into buying fake programs. An error warning from Microsoft does not include any phone number to call. They or any reputed organizations never ask for personal details from the users through calls or emails.

There are certain signs that would tell you that the message you received is indeed from Microsoft.

How to tell the Message from Microsoft is Fake

As already mentioned, Microsoft would never pop up a warning message on your system and ask you to call them through a number. If you got a warning message on your screen, you must look for certain signs to verify whether it is authentic or not. Here are those clues −

  • If the message or mail from Microsoft is asking you for sensitive information like bank details or more, it is undoubtedly fake and a part of a scam.

  • Microsoft or any other software-making company would not pop up such virus warning, as they cannot scan your system without your permission.

  • If the mail from Microsoft is asking you to pay for services through cryptocurrencies or gift cards, then it is a fake one.

  • Microsoft never initiates the technical support conversation from their side. It is the users who start it, and then Microsoft's team would respond to the issue.

What causes such Fake Pop-ups to appear

The fake "YOUR COMPUTER HAS BEEN BLOCKED," or similar messages might appear because of one of the following reason:

  • In anticipation of getting some software or games for free, you visited any unsolicited website.

  • While installing a genuine program, you might have installed a pop-up generating program, which came bundled with it.

  • There might be an adware program residing on your computer.

How to prevent fake Microsoft Pop-Ups from appearing on your Screen

To prevent fake pop-ups from Microsoft to appear on your screen, you must follow these practices −

  • Download the software and games from genuine, official sources only. The third-party software downloading websites are mostly fake and provide infected applications in the form of genuine ones.

  • For safe and smooth browsing, equip your system with a pop-up blocker or ad blocker. It would keep the malicious pop-ups away from your screen.

  • Never trust scam emails, messages, and pop-ups pretending to be from Microsoft and follow their instructions like calling and installing the program.

  • Always keep a robust antimalware program installed on your system. It would protect you from any type of malware infection.

Updated on: 07-Jun-2021


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