How to Mount and Unmount an ISO Image in Linux?

ISO images are popular file formats used to distribute and store entire file systems, including operating systems, software, and data. In Linux, mounting and unmounting ISO images is a common task that allows you to access the contents of the image as if it were a physical disk or drive. This functionality is particularly useful for installing software, creating virtual machines, or accessing specific files within an ISO image.

In this article, we will explore the process of mounting and unmounting ISO images in Linux. We will cover the steps to mount an ISO image, verify the mount, and even auto-mount ISO images on boot. Additionally, we will learn how to properly unmount the ISO image when we no longer need it.

Understanding Mounting and Unmounting ISO Images

Mounting and unmounting ISO images are essential tasks when working with virtual disk images in Linux. Before we delve into the practical steps, let's first understand the concepts of mounting and unmounting ISO images.

What is Mounting?

Mounting refers to the process of associating a file system with a particular directory, known as a mount point. By mounting an ISO image, you make its contents accessible as if they were part of the local file system. It allows you to browse, read, and modify the files within the ISO image just like any other directory on your system.

What is Unmounting?

Unmounting, on the other hand, is the process of disconnecting a mounted file system from its mount point. When you're done working with an ISO image, unmounting it ensures that the file system is safely detached from the mount point. This action frees up system resources and prevents data corruption.

Benefits of Mounting and Unmounting ISO Images

Mounting and unmounting ISO images offer several advantages, including −

  • Easy access to the contents  Mounting an ISO image allows you to explore its files and directories without the need for physical media or extraction.

  • Software installation  Mounting an ISO image containing software or an operating system enables installation directly from the image, saving time and effort.

  • Virtual machine provisioning  Mounting ISO images in virtualization platforms like VirtualBox or VMware allows you to use them as virtual CD/DVD drives for guest operating systems.

  • Data extraction  Mounting ISO images facilitates the extraction of specific files or folders without the need to extract the entire image.

Understanding the concepts of mounting and unmounting ISO images sets the foundation for performing these tasks effectively. In the following sections, we will dive into the practical steps to mount and unmount ISO images in Linux.

Mounting an ISO Image in Linux

Mounting an ISO image in Linux involves a few simple steps. In this section, we'll walk through the process of mounting an ISO image using the mount command.

Step 1: Create a Mount Point

Before we can mount an ISO image, we need to create a mount point, which is a directory where the contents of the image will be accessible. Open a terminal and execute the following command to create a mount point named /mnt/iso 

sudo mkdir /mnt/iso

Step 2: Mount the ISO Image

Once we have the mount point ready, we can proceed to mount the ISO image. Use the mount command followed by the path to the ISO image file and the mount point. For example, to mount an ISO image named my_image.iso located in the /path/to/image directory, run the following command 

sudo mount /path/to/image/my_image.iso /mnt/iso

Step 3: Verify the Mount

To ensure that the ISO image has been successfully mounted, you can use the mount command without any arguments. This will display a list of currently mounted file systems, including the mounted ISO image. Alternatively, you can specifically check if the ISO image is mounted by executing the following command 

mount | grep /mnt/iso

If the ISO image is listed in the output, it means that it has been successfully mounted.

Step 4: Access the Contents

Now that the ISO image is mounted, you can access its contents through the mount point directory. Use your file manager or navigate to the mount point using the terminal. You'll find all the files and directories from the ISO image available for browsing, copying, or modifying.

Unmounting an ISO Image in Linux

Unmounting an ISO image is a necessary step to safely detach it from the file system. In this section, we'll explore the process of unmounting an ISO image using the umount command.

Step 1: Identify the Mount Point

Before unmounting the ISO image, we need to identify the mount point where it is currently mounted. To do this, execute the following command 

mount | grep /mnt/iso

This will display the line containing the mount point and other details related to the ISO image. Make note of the mount point path, as we'll use it in the next step.

Step 2: Unmount the ISO Image

With the mount point identified, we can proceed to unmount the ISO image. Use the umount command followed by the mount point path. For example, if the ISO image is mounted at /mnt/iso, run the following command 

sudo umount /mnt/iso

Step 3: Verify the Unmount

To confirm that the ISO image has been successfully unmounted, you can use the mount command or check if the mount point is no longer listed in the output of mount. Execute the following command to verify 

mount | grep /mnt/iso

If there is no output, it means that the ISO image has been successfully unmounted.

Step 4: Clean Up

After unmounting the ISO image, it's a good practice to remove the mount point directory. Use the following command to delete the /mnt/iso directory 

sudo rmdir /mnt/iso


In this tutorial, we explored the process of mounting and unmounting ISO images in Linux. Mounting an ISO image allows you to access its contents as if it were a physical CD/DVD inserted into your system. We learned how to create a mount point directory, mount the ISO image using the mount command, and verify the mount. We also covered unmounting the ISO image using the umount command and cleaning up the mount point directory. By following these steps, you can easily work with ISO images in Linux and leverage their content for various purposes.

Updated on: 09-Aug-2023


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