How to Monitor Performance Of CentOS 8_7 Server Using Netdata?

Monitoring the performance of your CentOS server is essential for maintaining its stability, optimizing resource usage, and identifying potential issues before they impact your system. In this article, we will explore how to monitor the performance of CentOS 8/7 servers using Netdata, a powerful and user-friendly monitoring tool. With Netdata, you can gain real-time insights into various system metrics, visualize performance data, and effectively troubleshoot performance bottlenecks. Whether you are a system administrator, developer, or IT professional, understanding how to monitor your CentOS server using Netdata will help you ensure the smooth operation of your system.

Installing Netdata on CentOS 8/7

To monitor the performance of your CentOS 8/7 server using Netdata, you need to install it first. Follow these steps to get Netdata up and running:

  • Update System Packages  Before installing any software, it's a good practice to update your system packages. Open a terminal and run the following command:

sudo yum update
  • Install Netdata  Netdata provides a simple installation script that automatically fetches and installs the latest version. Run the following command to download and execute the installation script:

bash <(curl -Ss

The installation script will automatically detect your system and install Netdata along with its dependencies.

  • Accessing the Netdata Web Interface  Once the installation is complete, you can access the Netdata web interface by navigating to http://localhost:19999 in your web browser. If you are accessing the interface from a remote machine, replace localhost with the IP address or hostname of your CentOS server.

You have now installed Netdata on your CentOS 8/7 server. In the next section, we will explore the Netdata web interface and its key features.

Exploring Netdata's Web Interface

The Netdata web interface provides a comprehensive dashboard that allows you to monitor the performance of your CentOS server in real-time. Let's take a closer look at the key features and functionalities of the interface −

  • Main Dashboard  The main dashboard provides an overview of various system metrics such as CPU usage, memory usage, disk I/O, network traffic, and more. It offers a visual representation of these metrics through interactive charts and graphs, allowing you to quickly assess the performance of your server at a glance.

  • Sections and Modules  The Netdata web interface is divided into sections, each focusing on specific aspects of system monitoring. These sections include System Overview, CPU, Memory, Disks, Network, and more. Within each section, you'll find various modules that provide detailed insights into specific metrics related to that section.

  • Interactive Charts  Netdata offers interactive charts that allow you to zoom in and out, adjust the time range, and dynamically switch between different metrics. You can hover over the charts to view detailed information about specific data points, making it easier to analyze performance trends and identify anomalies.

  • Real-Time Updates  The Netdata web interface updates in real-time, providing you with instant visibility into the current state of your server. You can observe changes in metrics as they happen, enabling you to monitor the impact of system activity and detect any sudden spikes or drops in performance.

  • Customization and Layouts  Netdata allows you to customize the layout of the web interface according to your preferences. You can rearrange the modules, resize the charts, and add or remove specific metrics to tailor the interface to your specific monitoring needs.

In the next section, we will delve into configuring Netdata for advanced monitoring and customization.

Configuring Netdata for Advanced Monitoring

To harness the full power of Netdata for monitoring your CentOS server, you can customize its configuration and enable advanced monitoring features. Follow these steps to configure Netdata for enhanced monitoring:

1. Customizing Netdata Configuration

  • Open the Netdata configuration file using a text editor 

sudo nano /etc/netdata/netdata.conf
  • Modify the desired settings, such as the data collection frequency or default alarms, according to your requirements.

  • Save the file and exit the text editor.

2. Enabling Additional Plugins

  • Navigate to the Netdata plugins directory 

cd /etc/netdata/python.d
  • Review the available plugin configuration files. Uncomment the lines related to the plugins you want to enable 

sudo nano PLUGIN_NAME.conf
  • Save the file and exit the text editor.

3. Configuring Alerts and Notifications

  • Open the Netdata health alarm notify configuration file 

sudo nano /etc/netdata/health_alarm_notify.conf
  • Define your preferred notification settings, such as email or Slack, by providing the appropriate information in the file.

  • Customize the thresholds for different alarms according to your monitoring needs.

  • Save the file and exit the text editor.

4. Advanced Settings and Options

  • Review the advanced settings available in the Netdata documentation.

  • Open the Netdata configuration file:

sudo nano /etc/netdata/netdata.conf
  • Modify the advanced settings according to your requirements.

  • Save the file and exit the text editor.

By customizing the Netdata configuration, enabling additional plugins, configuring alerts and notifications, and utilizing advanced settings, you can tailor Netdata to suit your specific monitoring needs on your CentOS server. In the next section, we will explore how to analyze performance metrics using Netdata.

Analyzing Performance Metrics with Netdata

To gain insights into the behavior of your CentOS server and identify performance issues, Netdata provides a rich set of performance metrics. Let's explore how to analyze these metrics using Netdata 

  • Monitoring CPU, Memory, Disk, and Network Usage 

    Open the Netdata web interface by navigating to http://localhost:19999 in your web browser. On the main dashboard, you'll find real-time charts displaying CPU, memory, disk, and network usage. Observe utilization levels, identify spikes or anomalies, and use interactive features to zoom in for closer analysis.

  • Analyzing System Load and Process Activity 

    Navigate to the "System Overview" section in the Netdata web interface. Monitor system load metrics such as the number of processes, running threads, and open file descriptors. Analyze the process activity section to identify resource-intensive processes or those causing bottlenecks. Gain insights into the overall health of your server's processes.

  • Identifying Performance Bottlenecks and Troubleshooting Issues 

    Explore individual sections such as CPU, Memory, Disks, and Network in the Netdata web interface. Examine charts and metrics to pinpoint potential performance bottlenecks. Look for metrics exceeding thresholds or exhibiting unusual behavior. Analyze correlations between different metrics to identify dependencies and performance impacts.

Netdata's real-time monitoring capabilities allow you to actively track your CentOS server's performance and respond quickly to issues. By monitoring CPU, memory, disk, and network usage, system load, and process activity, you can address performance bottlenecks and ensure optimal server performance.

In the next section, we will explore how to integrate Netdata with external monitoring systems for a comprehensive monitoring solution.

Integrating Netdata with External Monitoring Systems

Netdata provides the flexibility to integrate with external monitoring systems, allowing you to centralize and consolidate your monitoring efforts. Two popular options for integration are Grafana and Prometheus.

Integrating Grafana

To integrate Netdata with Grafana, start by installing and configuring Grafana on your CentOS server. Next, install the Netdata data source plugin for Grafana. Configure the Netdata data source in Grafana by providing the URL of your Netdata instance. With Grafana, you can create comprehensive dashboards that combine metrics from multiple sources, including Netdata, for a unified monitoring experience.

Integrating Prometheus

For integration with Prometheus, set up Prometheus on your CentOS server. Configure Netdata to export metrics to Prometheus by editing the Netdata configuration file. Restart the Netdata service to apply the changes. Then, configure Prometheus to scrape metrics from Netdata by adding a target in the Prometheus configuration file. With Prometheus, you can leverage its querying and alerting capabilities to store, analyze, and monitor the metrics collected from Netdata.

Additionally, Netdata itself has built-in alerting capabilities. You can configure alerting rules by editing the health configuration files. Specify the conditions and notification methods for each alert, and ensure that your email or notification system is properly set up to receive and handle the alerts.

By integrating Netdata with external monitoring systems like Grafana and Prometheus, you can centralize your monitoring data, create comprehensive dashboards, perform in-depth analysis, and set up robust alerting mechanisms. This enables you to effectively monitor and manage the performance of your CentOS server.


Monitoring the performance of your CentOS server is crucial for maintaining its health and ensuring optimal operation. In this guide, we explored how to monitor CentOS servers using Netdata, a powerful real-time monitoring tool. We learned how to install and configure Netdata, monitor performance metrics, analyze system load, and troubleshoot performance issues. Additionally, we explored the integration of Netdata with external monitoring systems like Grafana and Prometheus for enhanced monitoring capabilities.

Updated on: 09-Aug-2023


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