How to Make Sure that Apache Service Keeps Running in Ubuntu?

Apache, renowned for its reliability, performance, and versatility, is a widely used web server. When hosting websites or applications on Ubuntu, it is crucial to ensure the uninterrupted operation of the Apache service. This comprehensive guide will provide detailed steps and code snippets to help you maintain a smoothly running Apache service on your Ubuntu server while minimizing downtime.

1. Installing Apache on Ubuntu

It's crucial to have the Apache service installed on your Ubuntu system before diving into its maintenance. To install Apache, adhere to these actions 

Step 1  Update the package list in the terminal after opening it.

sudo apt update

Step 2  Install Apache along with its dependencies.

sudo apt install apache2

2. Monitoring the Apache Service

For it to run continuously, the Apache service must be monitored. Utilising systemd, a system and service manager included in Ubuntu, is one way to accomplish this. To keep an eye on the Apache service, do the following 

Step 1  Check the current status of the Apache service by running the following command.

sudo systemctl status apache2

This command will show the Apache service's current status, including whether it is active or not.

Step 2  View the Apache service logs to identify any errors or warnings that might affect its operation.

sudo tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log

3. Configuring Apache Auto-Start

Enable Apache as a system service to make sure it boots up with the server automatically. This makes sure that Apache will start up automatically even if the server restarts. To set up Apache to automatically start, take these actions 

sudo systemctl enable apache2

This command configures the Apache service to start automatically on system boot.

4. Restarting the Apache Service

The Apache service may occasionally experience problems that call for a restart. Applying configuration changes or solving specific issues may require restarting the service. For Apache to restart, adhere to these steps 

sudo systemctl restart apache2

This command will gracefully restart the Apache service, ensuring a smooth transition.

5. Setting Up Apache Monitoring and Notifications

You can set up monitoring tools to proactively monitor the Apache service and receive alerts when it experiences problems or outages. Monit is one well-liked tool that enables you to keep an eye on the service and send alerts via email or other notification methods. To configure Apache monitoring and notifications, adhere to these steps 

Step 1  Install Monit by executing the following commands.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install monit

This command will show the Apache service's current status, including whether it is active or not.

Step 2  Edit the Monit configuration file.

sudo nano /etc/monit/monitrc

Set up the file with the monitoring requirements for Apache. Add the following lines to the configuration file, for instance, to keep an eye on Apache and receive email alerts.

check process apache2 with pidfile /var/run/apache2/
   start program = "/etc/init.d/apache2 start"
   stop program  = "/etc/init.d/apache2 stop"
   if failed host localhost port 80 protocol http then alert

Step 3  Save the document, then close the editor. To apply the changes, restart Monit after that.

sudo systemctl restart monit

Monit will now monitor the Apache service and notify you if any issues arise.

6. Implementing Automatic Apache Recovery

The Apache service may occasionally fail or stop responding. You can create a script that routinely checks the status of the service and restarts it if necessary to make sure it automatically recovers. To implement automatic Apache recovery, adhere to these steps 

Step 1  Create a shell script with the following content.

if systemctl is-active --quiet apache2; then
    echo "Apache is running."
    echo "Apache is not running. Restarting..."
    sudo systemctl start apache2

Save the file, for example, as Activate the script by performing the following 

chmod +x

Step 2 − Add a cron job to run the script periodically. Execute the command.

crontab -e

Step 3  Add the following line to the crontab file to run the script every 5 minutes.

*/5 * * * * /path/to/

Save the document, then close the editor. The Apache service will now be automatically checked by the script, and if necessary, it will be restarted.

Benefits and Advantages of Ensuring Continuous Apache Operation −

  • Enhanced User Experience  You give website visitors and users of your web applications a seamless experience by ensuring the Apache service runs continuously. Their uninterrupted access to your content or services will increase user satisfaction.

  • Increased Reliability  Your website or web application will always be accessible and available to users if the Apache service is continuously running. This dependability aids in building credibility and trust for your online presence.

  • Improved Performance  Your website or web application can efficiently handle incoming requests when the Apache service is running continuously, leading to quicker response times and better overall performance.

  • Reduced Downtime  You reduce the effect of potential problems or failures by keeping an eye on the Apache service and putting in place automatic recovery mechanisms. By minimizing downtime, you can maintain the usability and accessibility of your website or web application.

  • Proactive Issue Detection  You can set up monitoring programs like Monit to proactively find problems with the Apache service. When issues occur, you can be notified so that you can address them right away and limit any potential downtime.

  • Seamless Server Reboots − If Apache is set up as an auto-start service, it will launch right away following a server reboot. This streamlines the server administration process by removing the need for manual intervention.


It's essential to keep Apache up and running in order to host websites and web applications on Ubuntu. You can guarantee the Apache service's continuous operation by following the thorough instructions provided in this guide, which include installing Apache, checking its status, viewing logs, configuring auto-start, setting up monitoring tools like Monit, and putting automatic recovery mechanisms in place. Always keep your system updated, keep an eye out for problems in the Apache logs, tweak configurations, and protect your server with firewalls and other security tools. You can improve server performance, reduce downtime, and keep the Apache service up and running on your Ubuntu server by performing diligent maintenance and monitoring.

Updated on: 27-Jul-2023


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