How to Know the Separator for a Particular File System in Java

In Java, the file separator is a character that separates the components of a file path. The file separator varies depending on the operating system on which the Java program is running.

On Windows systems, the file separator is backslash (\). On Unix-based systems (such as Linux and macOS), the file separator is forward slash (/).

Let's start!

For instance

Suppose that we running the code on windows system

After performing the operation to get the separator, the result will be:

Separator for this file system is: \


Step-1: Import the necessary libraries.

Step-2: Create the instance of File class/getProperty().

Step-3: Print the result.


System.getProperty(): It is a method in Java that is used to retrieve system properties. A system property is a key-value pair that describes some aspect of the system or environment in which the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is running.

Multiple Approaches

We have provided the solution in different approaches.

  • By Using File class

  • By Using System.getProperty() Method

Let's see the program along with its output one by one.

Approach-1: By Using File Class

In this approach, separator field of File class will be called. Then as per the algorithm we will know the separator for a particular file system in Java.


public class Main 

   //main method
   public static void main(String[] args) 

      //getting file separator using File seperator
      String separator = File.separator;
      //print the result
      System.out.println("Separator for this file system is: " + separator);


Separator for this file system is: /

Approach-2: By Using System.getProperty() Method

In this approach, getProperty() method will be called. Then as per the algorithm we will know the separator for a particular file system in Java.


public class Main

   //main methood
   public static void main(String[] args) 
      //getting file seperator using getProperty 
      String separator = System.getProperty("file.separator");
      //print the result
      System.out.println("Separator for this file system is: " + separator);




Separator for this file system is: /

In this article, we explored how to know the separator for a particular file system in Java.

Updated on: 17-Aug-2023


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